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Krystal^1.5 - based on N97v30 |5800, 5233, 5230, 5530, X6|All RM supported

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mate, jst nw i checkd this. . .working fine for me

this issue was in krystal^1.5 due to message reader removal and hence say caller name issue

these issues hav been fixed in this release

i think, somethng went wrong for u. .ur phone might hav nt flashed properly

use blank uda file. .

Flash ur phone once again properly and do make sure mcu, ppm, ape variant button glows in jaf

please provide uda here

the same uda i used for krystal 1 is used for 1.5 but no problems in krystal 1

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acces point issue is relatd wid widget.

U might hav instald any widget that is accesing internet. As i hav disable auto internet conection, it wil ask for ur permisn whenever it connects to internet.

At homescreen. .click option > offline mode.

Then widgets wont connect to internet

i didn't installed any widget
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please provide uda here

the same uda i used for krystal 1 is used for 1.5 but no problems in krystal 1

Use this : http://forum.gizmolord.com/custom-firmware-releases/krystal1-based-on-n97v30-5800-5233-5230-5530-5250-x6-all-rm-supported/?action=dlattach;attach=1566

Just rename this according to your original uda file name.

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hey nitesh could u also add anna/belle themes with custom icon for this cfw?? it would help alot. Also i tried modifying the mediabar to replace accelswitch with video but its giving me errors, could u please help with that.

edited: i basically want Music,Photos,BTswitch,AccelSwitch,Internet browser for media bar. thanks  :D

Give me the working acceel switch app in .sis format :)

I will port it and will provide in final release.

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Any specific date for the release of Krystal^1.5? Still using your Krystal^1 N97... Would really love to try out the new version. Thanks in advance. :D

day is over :P

I was planning to release it today.

But as NikShip suggested me to port the new anna broswer to OFW, I will be working on it today.

So probably I will release Krystal^1.5 tomorrow :)


I was planning to release it today.

But as NikShip suggested me to port the new anna broswer to OFW, I will be working on it today.

So probably I will release Krystal^1.5 tomorrow :)

take ur time mate....;)..we all are waiting...:)...krystal^1.5....krystal^1.5....krystal^1.5....krystal^1.5....krystal^1.5....krystal^1.5.......hehe


hey nitesh could u also add anna/belle themes with custom icon for this cfw?? it would help alot. Also i tried modifying the mediabar to replace accelswitch with video but its giving me errors, could u please help with that.

edited: i basically want Music,Photos,BTswitch,AccelSwitch,Internet browser for media bar. thanks  :D

Like this? :P

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By vampirexhunter at 2011-10-25

[img width=236 height=420]http://img714.imageshack.us/img714/6926/scr000002q.jpg

By vampirexhunter at 2011-10-25


@vampirexhunter: which font your using bro?its awesome !! Does it supports symbols and smileys?

I'm using the Avenir Font, resembles the Palm Pre prelude's font. No does not support symbols or smileys, i'm looking into how to implement it.

yup would be awesome if u could share, also hoping they have custom icon like memcheck, accelswitch, battery monitor etc thanks :D

I would share, but this theme I took it from Photon C6-05's CFW, its a modified Purity Black by IND190 theme.

I don't know if the actual author would appreciate it, since he's selling and charging the theme on the Nokia Store.

But the Icon pack, you can find those on the web easily. You will need to cook the icons into the theme yourself, or wait for Krystal^1.5 :)

Full Anna Icon Pack



hey nitesh could u also add anna/belle themes with custom icon for this cfw?? it would help alot. Also i tried modifying the mediabar to replace accelswitch with video but its giving me errors, could u please help with that.

edited: i basically want Music,Photos,BTswitch,AccelSwitch,Internet browser for media bar. thanks  :D

i dont want photos

i want file manager


yes die

take ur time

and atleast add accell switch


Nitesh, i m still using N97 based Krystal^1 on my nokia 5230. today i joined ur forum,  where is the link?

I've few question regarding ur new relaese.

1) Bluetooth headset will work on this?

2) Opera mini will crash or not?

3) howz battery backup? and menu speed?

4) is it better than krystal^1 or not?

Welcme to the forum...!!! :)

Links will be updated soon by die(nitesh) as he's refreshing the krystal^1.5 with some major tweaks...!!!

use opera keyboard always and it will never crash...

yeah it's a lot better than krystal^1 and battery backup as well as menu speed will also be awesome...!!!

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