S60v5 Applications
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417 topics in this forum
Multilanguage Homescreen Notes Widget. [img width=236 height=420]http://www.upload.ee/image/2457448/Scr000016_1_.jpg
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Bluetooth Receiver BT receives files directly on C or E (NOT AS Message) BT Receiver v1.01 SymbianOS 9x {receive Bluetooth files directly on C or E (NOT IN INBOX) when you want to transfer anything through Bluetooth just open this application and not Bluetooth icon. it will ask you to receive afile through Bluetooth and when you press yes it will ask you where to save the file i'e on C or E. Just save and enjoy (How to run this application) Step -: 1 open this app(not exit) Step -: 2 send a file from other phone Step -:3 add a folder Step -:4 And U r Done !!
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This app helps us to get in touch with the famous quotes. This is a must app in your smartphone. This application offers a collection of 3001 most insightful and inspiring quotes by the world's greatest leaders and thinkers: Aristotle, Nietzsche, Einstein, Gandhi, Lincoln and many others! The app is packed with great graphics and features: * Author's profiles on Wikipedia * Random "Quote of the Day" * Favorites * Keyword Search and much more Download it at Nokia Store
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Latest and most stable version! Free mobile browser,fast and traffic effective! Up to 90% traffic cost can be compressed and saved, WAP/WEB browsing supported, bookmarks and My Shortcuts embedded, powerful download management, Address auto-completed... What is new? 1,Support symbian^3 platform phones(really good news to the s^3 users ) 2, Optimized the catagory search(smart search, free search) 3, Optimized the data transmission (save more traffic means save more money) 4, Support multi-languages. Download here :- Version for Symbian S60v5
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This great application helps you to take 4 images quickly without any hassle. Action Camera takes multiple images and combines them to a single image. It is great for capturing action and movement. Image combination can be slices or grids. Interval is from 0.1s to 5s, or manually one by one. Image resolution will be improved in next version. Buy it at Nokia Store
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Nimbuzz Messenger is a free chat and calling app that lets you connect with your buddies 24x7 on Gtalk, Facebook, Yahoo, MSN etc. With more than 85 million users, Nimbuzz is a multi award winning cross platform app that allows you to do free HD calls, cheap international calls on mobile, group chat, chatrooms and send free SMS to other Nimbuzz users. - New in this version: + New UI with grid view + Blocking contacts. Download For S60 v5:-Download OR Download Model wise:-Download
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This app helps anyone to get out of that place by producing very high frequency sound! Sonic Grenade is an app aimed for crowd control and playing pranks on friends. Disclaimer: Read the instructions before using. Connect the phone to a stereo and turn up the volume. The app generates a very high frequency sound that is really annoying and headache producing. You can use the application standalone. Hide the phone somewhere and play a prank on someone. Download it at Nokia Store
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Hey guys check this application locker app set passwords or lock your apps give +1 if you like it :D comments are always appreciated 157_.sis
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Description A calendar widget for Nokia N97, N97 mini, C6 and N8 that behaves like the "today view" from MS Outlook to provide a quick overview of the next upcoming events. On homescreen it shows 4 lines and if there are more events then it will be scrolling. Features multiple homescreen support showing upcomming events and todo with scrolling option fullscreen view with a list of upcomming events and todo one icon per event type customizeable through a self-explaining settings page support for multiple languages persistant settings own event types import of settings http://sourceforge.net/projects/calendaroutlook/scree…
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Belle Shell v1.5 S60v5 S^3 Signed Edited by Infinity Sky Resolution: 640x360 Describe:: But do not be a desire here are QT belle Shell, an application for Symbian S60v5 with which you can use in your Nokia N97 Smartphone 5230 5800 5530 X6 and the like as if you had Belle. This application emulates the GUI almost 100% and is a little slow, but it sure will help you learn a little more of his beloved Belle. Application with 3-6 home screens. You can put shortcuts, folders, and widgets on the home screens. There is a pull-down panel that allows quick access to the LED flashlight, W…
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This topic has been moved to S60v5 Games. [iurl]http://forum.gizmolord.com/index.php?topic=3482.0[/iurl]
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Calendar widget to homescreen Working also with OS^3
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Keep track of time with Cuckoo! Turn your phone into a grandfather clock orelectronic desk clock or wristwatch! Choose from several sound options, and Cuckoo will chime every hour so you'll always stay on track! Choose operation hours from the Settings. Cuckoo runs in the background, and auto-starts with your phone. Nokia Store Also File Attached....
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MOLOME™ is a easy & fun way to share your journey of life. Grab your phone, snap photos or choose from Gallery, experience cool effects beyond creativity and share it with your friends or show it to the world via Social Network. Latest version: 2.0.4 (January, 2012) Release Notes: v2.0.4: - Many bugs fixed - Performance and stability improved - Filters added. [img width=236 height=420] Download At Nokia Store
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A small program when you click on the icon that appears on your screenfree and available RAM, the phone memory, memory, disk E and memory cards. 4831_.sisx
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These are the last maps for nokia maps Version with direct download links Date:23/09/2011. Just copy paste the files into E:cities/diskcache Africa (http://static.maploader.maps.svc.ovi.com/map5/maploaderzip- country maps: Algeria (http://static.maploader.maps.svc.ovi.com/map5/maploaderzip- Botswana (http://static.maploader.maps.svc.ovi.com/map5/maploaderzip- Egypt (http://static.maploader.maps.svc.ovi.com/map5/maploaderzip- Kenya (http://static.maploader.maps.svc.ovi.com/map5/maploaderzip- Lesotho (http://static.maploader.maps.svc.o…
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Quote from eBuddy: Note: It's a QT app, QT components must be installed on your device. Get it From - Nokia Store OR Get it from attachments(Without smart installer also)
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Here is the new Facebook Chat Application for your S60v5/Anna/Belle. Quote from mChat : Get it from - Nokia Store OR Get it from the attachments.
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AutoHello allows you to answer an incoming call simply by picking up the phone and putting it next to your ear! Save that extra tap-swipe! It doesn't use the accelerometer so the battery impact is minimal (it uses the proximity sensor)! AutoHello runs in the background, andauto-starts with your phone (can be disabled from the options). *Fixes for Nokia Belle OS. *= Fix Download At Nokia Store Also File is Attached...
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Most users wanted this ....so, I just Uploaded... Following Archieve Contains:- V1.0 And V 1.02 Test And Give Feedback.... Those who want to use it in ROFS2 ,they should extract .sis by ExtSIS or SIS Container and Put In ROFS2....... What This App Do: This application used as Rotation Switcher Switch. 7819_.rar
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The Ultimate Application for Cricket info is in your pocket! Quote from Tricast Media: Get it from - Nokia Store OR Get it from the attachments.
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Whatsapp v2.6.96 Adding second modded version. This version is modded for e or f drive plus no popup when you receive a message so you will only see icon of new message in top right of screen. I tested this before uploading and it works nice. Enjoy Here we go.. AGAIN :bitch_please: Changelog: The latest version adds a new pop-up balloon notification and also allows sending files.
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Talking Hamster is a voice-altering app that features an animated hamster, that repeat what you say in high-pitched squeaky voices in real-time. This app gives you hours of hilarious laughter. Features also Happy Birthday son. Works in any language! Requires QT 4.7.3 155_.sis
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Special thanks to die for teaching me how to remove the smart installer and also for this to work you need qt 4.7.3
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facinate by: Inova IT Social networks - 1.65 MB [img width=236 height=420] facinate is a free (forever-ever) facebook client that can do everything you'd expect it to do plus: - Works on a Nokia 5800 or Nokia 700. Nobody is left out! - Has a really unique, swipable user interface. Totally cool, sweet, fast and useful. - CHAT. srsly? y, 24 / 7. omg, so kewl. c u. - Home screen – and a really good looking one! - Notifications on your home screen! Never miss out on your friend ’s birthday again. 3666_.sis
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