S60v5 Applications
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417 topics in this forum
Dmitry Teslenko Digital Clock With Timer v1.09(1) S^1 S^3 SymbianOS 9.5 Signed http://forum.gizmolord.com/s60v5-applications/dmitry-teslenko-digital-clock-with-timer-v1-09(1'>http://forum.gizmolord.com/s60v5-applications/dmitry-teslenko-digital-clock-with-timer-v1-09(1)-signed/?action=dlattach;attach=3485;image http://forum.gizmolord.com/s60v5-applications/dmitry-teslenko-digital-clock-with-timer-v1-09(1'>http://forum.gizmolord.com/s60v5-applications/dmitry-teslenko-digital-clock-with-timer-v1-09(1)-signed/?action=dlattach;attach=3483;image Digital clock for nokia phones. Clock, countdown timer and stopwatch in one application. 3487_.sis
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Mobile Download Accelerator v1.38.9 Tested by myself on Nokia 5800 and Nokia 5320 Country/State- India/Mumbai Connection- Aircel Access Point- AircelGPRS Its an Awesome App, helps heavy downloading with Pause/Resume capabilities in any breaking Network(Especially in India )! Also acts as a Web Browser plugin. Its Free and Signed Must try and hope a Response soon Screenshots: [img width=236 height=420] [img width=236 height=420] Download
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Beautiful of Slid, Unique for you! N9 launcher is coming! You could use N9 Meego UI on your Symbian devices now! As we know, N9 is still in shipping, so why not experience the N9 UI firstly? Will not let you down! Tips: This is a beta version and we will make much more improvement in future, will be really very appreciate your encouraging comments. Ovi Store Link 2720_.sis
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What is RainbowBrush ? RainbowBrush is a handy open source Qt-based application for mobile phones that can easily give images a dramatic look by converting them to black and white while keeping chosen details in color. This effect draws the viewer's attention to the colored areas, creating striking images. With its intuitive and responsive user interface, RainbowBrush is super easy and fun to use. You simply use your finger as a brush to remove or bring back the original color from regions of your image. Image zooming will help you to work on fine details. [img width=236 height=420] Minimum requirements: Qt for Symbian 4.7.3 or later BUY IT FROM NOKIA STORE
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fMobi v2.3.1 This is the latest and the full version. This is a QT based application. [img width=236 height=420] http://store.ovi.com/content/167633?clickSource=search&pos=1 And this is my 1st upload in this forum.
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Get a SugarSync 5 GB Plan Free!Free online backup, free file sync, and free file sharing 1.Free cloud storage gives you instant and easy access to your data anytime, anywhere. 2.Online backup and automatic file sync for work files or personal files like photos, videos, and music. 3.Download free mobile apps to sync iPhone, iPad, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, and Symbian devices. 4.Sync 5 GB of data across an unlimited number of devices. Signup 3317_.sis
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Widget application designed to increase the productivity whereby the user can monitor as well as control various applications/functions running in the mobile phone-Single window to control various applications. 3313_.wgz
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SlideUnlock Free by: spp_nokia SlideUnlock is a unique sliding unlock tool for your device, it will lock screen after a period of idle time and unlock it by sliding the screen or shaking the phone, there are also various utility shortcuts on the locked screen, so you can launch the application directly from it. It ’s fully customizable and easy to use. 3316_.sis
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Heart Rate Monitor is an simple and fast tool for calculating your heart rate. Just tap the screen a few times as your heart beats and your heart rate is instantly shown. The application feature in-app advertising from InnerActive (Network connection required). 3315_.sis
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Do free group chat with friends or follow topics like jokes, cricket and movies. Get your family together, plan a movie with friends, stay in touch with co-workers, coordinate your cricket team, manage your salesforce - run any group activity you can imagine! It is your real-life real-time social network! It works using GPRS or SMS whatever you have. And the best part is GPRS users can now chat with their non-GRPS friends. It works even if your friends don't have this app! And it is FREE!!
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Vringo 2.0 for 5th Ed. FREE by: Vringo [img width=252 height=420] Take your ringtone to the next level with Vringo. Vringo is the first and only app that lets you set videos as your phone's ringtone. Choose a free video from our in-app collection of 1,000s, ranging from music videos to cutting-edge animation to video game cutscenes. Got a favorite user-generated clip or video you made? Vringo lets you turn it into your phone's ringtone -- free! -- by pointing your PC's Web browser to www.vringostudio.com, which syncs with your Nokia s60. 3311_.sisx
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Tired of marking friends from a long contacts list ? Tired of using that useless conversations app ? Really feel there can't b anything better than i-sms for chatting ? Ever thought of multimedia chatting exactly like people do on their i phone ? Feels uncomfortable whil handling contacts list due to non user friendly design m Guys U people have a smartphone , but have u ever sent pictures,songs,your own sounds and on the spot camera clicks while chatting ? Guys believe me, if u really want to feel what's called chatting then download it... Here are the features.. 1.has 3 tabs, 1st for conversations (like isms), 2nd is having all your contacts ... Arrange them as you w…
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TrueCaller has been updated (2011-12-07) TrueCaller for Symbian has now been updated to TrueCaller 2.70. Works on all Symbian S60v3 v5 & S^3 devices! What is TrueCaller? TrueCaller offers a form of Web-enabled caller ID for your Symbian phone. It enables you to match phone numbers to names, addresses, social networks, and even pictures! Thanks for your high rating and participating to a better product. The application automatically engages when you receive or place a call to a phone number that's not already in your address book, searching online for identifying information connected with that number. Within seconds, True Caller displays public information…
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OPERA MINI 6.5 SEMI HD SKIN [img width=236 height=420]http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/1935/scr000017k.jpg CREDITS : -xyrus -mackz -yuwenpix0n -romantic -don 3110_.sis
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I-SMS 2.0(new) http://forum.gizmolord.com/s60v5-applications/i-sms-2-0-!!/?action=dlattach;attach=3137 http://forum.gizmolord.com/s60v5-applications/i-sms-2-0-!!/?action=dlattach;attach=3143 Here i present you guys latest and 2nd best chatting app for s60^1 users( youlu is best with max features and i'll upload it soon too) new features 1. Brand new look and notification style 2. U can sent pics and camera clicks to ur online friends !! (gprs required ) 3. Audio chat !! Best it you don't have a balance and wanaa talk to ur online friend (i love this feature) 4 i phone like notifications after any msg on the screen (as it was b4) attach it into your messaging …
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MobileCleaner v1.80 s60v3/v5/s^3 UnSigned Eng translated by Shankru Description: An app that would help you to clear the junk files from your Symbian smart phone and let you free up some of the storage space. New Thunder cache, UC audio cache, UC safe cache, temporary cache micro-channel, Baidu input buffer; Other BUG repair many problems, so cleaning up can be assured. Instructions: Phone must be hacked, then open access patch, before being completely clean upthe junk files in your phone Change-log: Database garbage edited by Leshiy777 Added to remove web image cache, wml image cache in Ucweb uid 2022c577. program itself will not delete folder Predic…
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To be simple, It deletes all useless files and frees your mobile from junk files, therefore increasing the overall speed of your phone... It just work like the ccleaner you use in your PC... 1314_.sis
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WhatsApp Messenger is a cross-platform mobile messaging app which allows you to exchange messages without having to pay for SMS. WhatsApp Messenger is available for iPhone, BlackBerry, Android and Nokia and yes, those phones can all message each other! Because WhatsApp Messenger uses the same internet data plan that you use for email and web browsing, there is no cost to message and stay in touch with your friends. Minimum requirements: Unlimited internet data plan! Nokia S60 3rd edition, 5th edition or Symbian^3 Operating System installer attach below or download HERE update:whats app v2.6.48 [E mod] attached :) 2416_.sis 3083_.sis
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Y-Browser is a free filemanager application designed for S60 3rd edition Symbian smartphones. All testing is done with Nokia S60 devices only, but it should work as well with other manufacturers S60 smartphones. Currently Y-Browser only supports 3rd and 5th edition S60 mobile phones. This version is touch enabled, but not yet touch optimized. No plans to support for earlier edition S60 or UIQ mobile phones are planned. Download Link Via their Site: http://www.drjukka.com/YBrowser.html 3034_.sis
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Nokia Handwriting Calculator by: Nokia Utilities - 0.18 MB Nokia Handwriting Calculator is a showcase of Nokia ’s new handwriting recognition technology that allows you to calculate handwritten math expressions. 3032_.sis
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Tweets60 (v1.52.1) by: Ravensoft Social networks - 0.41 MB Using twitter on the go? Then Tweets60 is for you. This easy to use tool will make Twitter more accessible, is quicker than the mobile site and the free basic version includes all essentials you need to get twittering on the go. The Pro version (http://store.ovi.com/content/17076) includes the ability to create Twitter searches and post images to TwitPic. 3028_.sisx
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Coming out of the Symbian Foundation’s developer wiki system is a handy Wikipedia widget that installs on any Symbian-powered smartphone with Web runtime (so that’s most of them). Search results are all optimised for the small screen and it seems a quick and efficient way to access Wikipedia’s content. Known issues: Widget has Beta support for reading Wikipedia in all available languages. This function has following issues: 1. Even though content and searching in any language is generally working, menus and messages are not localised yet 2. History and Bookmarks do not remember the language in which page was viewed (“only current language” issue) 3. In history an…
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http://forum.gizmolord.com/s60v5-applications/image-converter-app/?action=dlattach;attach=3015 Image converter utility to convert your images to different image formats. Simple interface, easy to use. images can be rotated, scaled, and saved in the same or a different format (for example, a JPG image can be converted into a GIF image). 3017_.zip
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http://forum.gizmolord.com/s60v5-applications/email-for-nokia-10-accounts/?action=dlattach;attach=3012 Email on your Nokia device is push email at your finger tips for up to 10 email accounts including all the major email providers like AOL ® Mail, Gmail™/Google™ Mail, Windows Live™ Hotmail®, Yahoo! ® Mail, and Ovi Mail plus 1,000s of email service providers around the world. Optimized for mobile devices, Email provides 1-click shortcuts for popular functions, delivers messages that are easy to read in a familiar portal-brande d UI making it simple to send, receive, reply, and forward messages. 3014_.zip
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A nice app to download videos from youtube.. Screenies: http://forum.gizmolord.com/s60v5-applications/yourtube-pro-1-09-unsigned-clean/?action=dlattach;attach=2839 http://forum.gizmolord.com/s60v5-applications/yourtube-pro-1-09-unsigned-clean/?action=dlattach;attach=2841 OVI STORE MOBILE LINK OVI STORE PC LINK
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