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S60v5 Applications

Use for download only. Do not create new topics unless you are uploading an application.

  1. Started by NikShiP,

    Request Your Symbian^1 S60v5 Applications Here Only.. This thread is for requesting S^1 OS applications only... Any request outside this thread will be trashed or merged... This thread is not for discussion problems with applications or phones...it is strictly for requesting apps... Read through this few points before making a post/request in this thread. Search before making a request. No request for a certificate or for signing of application/software. No request for serials/registration codes/license key. NO REQUEST FOR CRACKED APPLICATION/SOFTWARE.

    • 83 replies
  2. Hey guys Most users are very disappointed about Nokia Ovi Store's download policy that it doesn't allow download support to your pc....Officially it is only possible when you connect your phone via Nokia Ovi Suite and then download your desired app but in this method too the app is directly supplied and installed to your particular phone...Means u cannot get the setup file of the particular app... There are many tricks which you could find on google about downloading apps from ovi store....including User Agent Switcher, etc etc...This one i found is the most easiest one... In this tutorial i'l show you a trick for downloading apps from Nokia Ovi Store to your pc an…

    • 37 replies
  3. Started by Die2mrw007,

    Description: The all new app for our Exclusive Blog/Forum is released. Thanks to Nokia Ovi team for releasing and Publishing under their banner Dropdown menu conatins: 1. Gizmo Lord (Blog): which will contain all the latest info/news about tech. 2. Gizmo Lord Forum: Which will contain all the apps downloads and discussions. Explore to know more. Download Link (Ovi Store): Click Here

    • 14 replies
  4. Started by Die2mrw007,

    What is qt? Qt(pronounced as cute) is a cross-platform application and UI framework. Using Qt, you can write web-enabled applications once and deploy them across desktop, mobile and embedded operating systems without rewriting the source code. Here is a small collection Qt based apps. Only free ones have been shared. Social TwimGo (free, download) : a Twitter client with all the bells and whistles, timeline, replies, direct messages, users, search, lists, trends, and even image previews. Kasvopus (free, download) : the cleanest and fastest Facebook application I’ve seen, with timeline, friend walls, photo albums, comments and likes,…

    • 15 replies
  5. Use this section to upload apps only, do not create a new topic just to ask something!. Search before posting an app. Its highly possible that the app you are going to post has already been uploaded. Rules for Posting Applications : 1. Upload the applications to the forum. (8MB Limit) If its larger than 8MB then upload it on any decent file-hosting website such as mediafire or multiupload. No survey-based sites such as plunder are allowed. 2. Always post screenshots of the applications you are posting. Upload the screenshots in external image sharing sites such as TinyPic or PhotoBucket. 3. Do not post Cracked Apps/Warez. You'll be banned forever.

    • 0 replies
  6. UC Safe is a new product from UC Mobiles Ltd. which offers you to take complete backup of your phone and to restore it to same of another phone. If you formatting your phone frequently or you want to take backup of your phone to your new phone, UC Safe will do this job for you. You've now no need to worried about your important contacts in case of phone theft, all you can restore from UC Safe. UC Safe offer you to take and save backups on memory card, to another phone via Bluetooth or online space by UC. UC Safe supports backup / restore of phone contacts, text messages, call history, calendar, system browser, bookmarks. Features : ~ Fast and secure backup of person…

    • 7 replies
  7. Started by Die2mrw007,

    UpCode is a free optical barcode scanner. 2D, Bidi and 1D (Datamatrix / QR /Ean 8 & 13) codes are supported. Get videos, websites, music and other content easily and quickly to your phone. Create optical codes free and share mobile content at www.UpCodeworld.com UpCode is designed to be light, fast and easy to use. UpCode Ltd. is developing the Mobile Access & Interaction (MAI) ™ technology, in all its aspects including multi-functionality and different reading/scanning technologies. 6020_.sis

    • 4 replies
  8. Started by zaid99,

    Mosquito killer principle: Study finds that sting are female mosquitoes. Because female mosquitoes in mating requires supplementary nutrition to within one week after ovulation. But mosquito mating in female mosquitoes can no longer with the public during this period, otherwise it will affect production, even the worries of life, so the mother tried to avoid mosquitoes male mosquitoes. Ultrasonic mosquito repellent device will simulate various ultrasound of the male mosquito wings shake. The female mosquito hearing a sound wave, soon escaped, so as to achieve the effect of repelling mosquitoes. Bat repellent: Mosquito repellent software simulation is making bat'…

    • 3 replies
  9. Started by Die2mrw007,

    Qt 4.7.3 + Qt Mobility Repacked By Mohamad Hegazy MenCFW Team Modded To Install On E to Free More Space On C Drive Supported: Nokia Symbian^1 & Symbian^3 Phones Samsung I8910 HD , I7110 , I8510 Sony Ericsson Satio , Vivaz , Vivaz Pro Qt 4.7.3 and Qt Mobility 1.1.3 You have to install both the packages. First install Qt 4.7.3, after that, install Qt mobility Qt 4.7.3 Download Qt Mobility 1.1.2 Download MediaFire Password : MohamadHegazy

  10. Started by javethrjr,

    friends.......i am tired of searching skype clients....can anyone give me the skype clients with video call....support >

    • 10 replies
  11. Work Desk as the Samsung Galaxy. Author: niverskij -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Set Contacts Menu (Install from tahe archive menu bar) Posts Internet browser. Installation: Remove the previous version of the tsunami, to install all files from an archive, go to the program MenuBar collapse and restart the phone. After installation of the program Tsunami go to home screen Theme and apply the theme of the Galaxy. To delete the Tsunami, go to the Themes of the main screen, activate the theme Standard. After that You can remove the program from the application Manager ----------------------…

  12. Started by donlesnar,

    Hi guys i am using sony ericsson vivaz i have tried downloading viber from some topics on this forum but it is not installing it is coming as installation failed can someone tell me how to install it?

  13. Started by faiztwist,

    SPP Jeally Bean Locker is a Skin of SPP Slide Unlock App First install SPP Slide Unlock App Instal this app and change skin to SymDroid Lock I hope you will enjoy this Super Lock Remember to unlock your phone Press menu button instead of lock or you will face to much trouble

    • 2 replies
  14. Started by shashwat,

    Get the Official Yahoo! Cricket App. Never miss a single match with Yahoo! Cricket Scores while you are on the go. 3314_.wgz

  15. Started by pavan061994,

    Swype with hot miniscreen qwerty and landscape support! Here I am giving link of some modified Swype versions. Click on names to download instantly!! 1.Swype Original Version 2.1 beta http://forum.gizmolord.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=3665.0;attach=8173;image 2.Swype WP7 Skin (Exclusive By Our GL Member Tristar2) http://forum.gizmolord.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=3918.0;attach=8780http://forum.gizmolord.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=3918.0;attach=8798 3.Swype Omeego Mod http://forum.gizmolord.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=3665.0;attach=8181;image 4.Swype Gravity keyboard Mod http://forum.gizmolord.com/index.php?action=dlat…

    • 65 replies
  16. This All Mods are Just Shared By Me & My Friend Shivam94................ Credits Goes To App Developer........ 1. Ice Cream Sandwich Download Here _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ New IOS mod by undertaker 1. iOS Helvetica Style Theme [img width=346 height=420] DOWNLOAD OPAQUE version! Transparent Top bar version! Notes- ---If you get update error, please uninstall the app and install my modded sis. ---Reboot phone one time after installing to get the effect. ---If you want 24 hr clock, use this exe, copy into //sys/bin OVERWRITE…

    • 85 replies
  17. Here is a new Messenger like WhatsApp for your Smartphone. Quote from Kik Interactive: Note: It's a QT app, QT components must be installed on your device. Get it From - Nokia Store OR Get it from attachments(Without smart installer also)

    • 14 replies
  18. Started by zaid99,

    Data Counter widget Data Counter widget helps you to follow how much 2G/3G and WLAN data you transfer, directly from the home screen. You can set a warning to notify you when exceeding your limit - especially useful if your plan doesn't include unlimited data. After installing Data Counter, simply start it and press the "Back" button. Do not exit application! Return to the home screen and press long on an empty widget slot. Select "Add content" and choose "Data Counter" to add the widget to the home screen. After successfully installing Data Counter, the widget appears on the home screen and displays the current status. In Data Counter application main view, you…

    • 9 replies
  19. A new app made by aneeshd16 to change theme effects on your phone. It automates the process of extracting zip, copying to c\resource, and going to themes->theme effects->on. The theme effects should be in a zip file. All the files should be in a 'effects' folder inside the zip. Almost all theme effects here on dm follow this pattern. Instructions: 1. Apply c2z or e2z patch. (Check which version you have) New theme effects will NOT work if it is not applied. (If it is already applied, no need to reapply) 2. Make a folder 'changefx' in your memory card. (e:\changefx) 3. Put all the zip files inside that folder and run the app. 4. Select the zip file and the…

  20. iPhone 4s Clock by arsenal23, this is a deskclock skin for ur touchscreen phone. put the skin to !:/data/ deskclock Enjoooy guys!! 8261_.zip

    • 8 replies
  21. is gta san andreas is really available for s60v5 cause i have seen many videos in youtube that gta is played in s60v5................i if available provide the link :D :D :D :D

    • 6 replies
  22. final DayHand Input (6.2.0017) + Chinesse + my skins (v4) + localized keyboards, packed and pre-configured in 2 versions (17caps and 19caps). So, you don't need anything else. NEW! Revamped interface. UPDATES ======= r4 Nov 06, 2009 - Removed unneeded international keyboards - Added hide option and keyboard selector - Applied layout consistency for Back, Sym, Num and Hide keys - Changed symbols table to have more international chars - Spanish: added "¿" and "¡" to qwerty r3 Nov 02, 2009 - Fixed problem with international chars not appearing on Chinese firmware - Added 19caps version - New localized keyboards: International, Spanish by Genio_Mex, Finnish …

    • 49 replies
  23. Started by faiztwist,

    Nokia Lumia Player Deluxe Edition TTPOD SKIN Just Instal and Enjoy Upadates: 1. No need to move any file from one place to another 2. Sisx file just instal 3. Scan all songs on first startup 4. Lumia skin is default in this Edition 5. 20 Visualization instead of two 6. Only for hacked phones

    • 7 replies
  24. Started by faiztwist,

    Next Genration IOS 6 Launcher SPBSkin Bye Bye Zip skin files here comes the sis launcher Download it, install it, restore it and launch Most beautiful Iphone skin ever made for Nokia Symbian Devices Every Nokia Supported from S60v5 to Anna Belle Seven dots homescreen to five dots homescreen. Most beautiful SPB Launcher Till today. Set wallpaper from E: Wallpapers Belle Refresh Users if after installing this app SPB Skin not change then move all dat file from e:others/SPBShell to e:Private/20028b16 and restore Hope you will enjoy Download Link: http://www.4shared.com/zip/dvT2eZW8/IOS_Launcher.html

    • 4 replies
  25. Here comes a unique Slide to unlock app for your symbian device. An amazing high featured app which controls all the gesture, shake, sensor, and many utilities to give the unlock screen a better user experience. Nokia Store Link: http://store.ovi.com/content/61292