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Programming in C/C++/C#

  1. Started by PrinceRM,

    Learn C++ Programming Tutorial Lesson 1 - First Program Requirements Before we start programming in C++ we need a compiler. We will be using a command line compiler for this tutorial. I will be using Borland C++ Compiler 5.5 but you can use any other ANSI/ISO compliant compiler such as gcc. Hello World Program Our first C++ program will print the message "Hello World" on the screen. Open a text editor and start by typing the following line: #include<iostream> The above line includes the header file called iostream which will allow us to use the command to print words on the screen. Next you must type: using namespace std; This will let us use…

    • 30 replies
  2. Started by hackrishna,

    Q1. What is Polymorphism? Ans: Polymorphism is phenomena by which we can make make a method for reuse. Polymorphism is an object oriented term. Polymorphism may be defined as the ability of related objects to respond to the same message with different, but appropriate actions. In other words, polymorphism means taking more than one form. Polymorphism leads to two important aspects in Object Oriented terminology - First one is function Overloading and second is function Overriding. Overloading is the practice of supplying more than one definition for a given function name in the same scope. The compiler is left to pick the appropriate version of the function or operator b…

    • 4 replies
  3. Started by shashwat,

    There are lots of introductory C books, but this is the first one that has the no-nonsense, practical approach that has made Nutshell Handbooks® famous. C programming is more than just getting the syntax right. Style and debugging also play a tremendous part in creating programs that run well and are easy to maintain. This book teaches you not only the mechanics of programming, but also describes how to create programs that are easy to read, debug, and update. Practical rules are stressed. For example, there are fifteen precedence rules in C (&& comes before || comes before ?. The practical programmer reduces these to two: Multiplication and division come…

    • 4 replies
  4. Started by CrackUC,

    Here's the Password program by me in C A big thanks to Anindya1989 Its still in beta version And needs improvemnts!!

    • 17 replies
  5. Started by Ajithku,

    Here is the Attachment ,..

    • 15 replies
  6. Demo : DEMO V2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpnQOFg3srM Info : Base on Ms12-020 exploit (Crash the server), instead crash it reads on memory to retrieve account and password Working on windows server 2008 , tested on victim windows server 2003 , xp , vista , 7 , 2008 , 2012 Payment & Get tools: [email protected] Payment: LR (http://www.libertyreserve.com/) Yahoo: [email protected] Skype: Dev.hangzhou

  7. Started by Gamboa84,

    Hi All, I am a beginner developer, I have experience in C and C++ so far. I really would like to develop an own application. While I was doing a research I came across a site (http://www.voip-sip-sdk.com/)that deals with development and it also provides numerous sample programs as well. After going over the page I noticed that the sample programs are developed by a software called Ozeki VoIP SIP SDK. I also found that the samples are in C# that I am not familiar with. Could you suggest me any books or tutorials in C#? Should I first try Visual Studio? Hope you can help me out. Thanks.

    • 3 replies
  8. alright I dont see any c# topic, so why dont you guys just remove it from the board??

    • 5 replies
  9. Started by NiharG,

    Hey! I have made this simple calculator in C++. But it has one bug. When we input a valid choice, It still prints invalid choice after printing the output. If we remove the last if statement and invalid choice part the program works fine. Please tell me whats wrong. #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> signed long int x, y, choice; int sum () { cout<<"The sum is "<<x+y; } int mul () { cout<<"The product is "<<x*y; } int sub () { if(x>y) cout<<"The subtraction of smaller number from the greater is "<<x-y; if (x<y) cout<<"The subtraction of smaller number from greater number is "<<y-x; } int div () { …

    • 39 replies
  10. Started by CrackUC,

    guys my c course is recently finished i know i'm currently a noob in c still i'll practise it in whole summer vacations but what to learn next C doesn't fulfill what i want!! I found C to be interesting but little booring too ..I want something interesting to be learned I which i can show my creativity And at the same time it doesn't make me boor too!! please suggest wisely i'm in 10th standard!!

    • 14 replies
  11. Started by CrackUC,

    Guys i made a password program in C which will just store the passowrd entered by user And will ask user to type show to show password entered ...In this i included other things too show program real kinda comments are with program but it give 6 errors while compiling please help guys.!! I made it myself so there is many possibilities that logic i used is 100% wrong if i'm 100% wrong please tell me thelogic to start with than i'll make another program.!!

    • 5 replies
  12. Started by CrackUC,

    I wrote a simple program but its not giving outut it should give it shows addition of 8 And 2 as 14 :-/ And all other things are this kinda here's the program please point out mistake.!!

    • 50 replies
  13. AS the topic says only TC supports i think gotoxy function and delay but moden compilers like code::blocks doesn't support hence we need to make our own header file i'm not yet finished functions chapter so probly its obvious i don't know how to make headers.Please someone make for me or tell me any alternate to that functions if exist.! And second problem is Q: I made a program in which user will enter rows and columns from keyboard and according to matrix would be made on the no.'s user will enter but i want the 2 matrix user entered it should be displayed TOO so i included a set of code but it never prnt and a blank space is printed in thr place but same code is …

    • 29 replies
  14. Started by CrackUC,

    The computer is fool and doesn't know anything before or after 0,1 so we need to compile every program to convert it in machine code.Don't go that much deep you'll understand these things automatically.So for every C program you wrote you need to complie it using a compiler use ant compiler i recommend Code::Blocks compiler best interface..! Ok we start with here..!! every C program has a starting point and end point denoted with {(start) and }(end) and every program has a main function too..! SO we will write a program which will print First C on the screen.. this is a primilary start to get structure of program. Now we will add a function printf which i…

    • 20 replies
  15. Started by CrackUC,

    Guys i'm trying to make a Snake game in C first when i thought to make it.i thought it would be easy but soon i realised it will be damm dificult programing. I have no idea(very less)how to make it. -firstly we need some(exactly i don't know) variables. -Our snake will be made with ASCII value -Size of the snake will increase automatically after 20 seconds -Snake will automatically move 1 step ahead after 20 sec in its current direction -Full border would be there. -Snake will eat random no.s Means a full snake game in C possible doubts till now How to orientate snake positions? How snake will move by keys?(maybe ASCII value?) How it will en…

    • 25 replies
  16. Started by CrackUC,

    i expect you have learned what i taught in previous class SO answer this Q:what will be output when i have this replced in printf printf("sum=%d",c); Answer:: Think before you answer what i taught is %d replaces so output would be sum=40 ************************************************************************************** Forward to todays's class now this aint a calculator indeed so if we want user to input we'll use another function scanf which will scan what user entered and will take that to complete program//! here in program scanf function is used to scan what user entered firstly program will print enter first no.= than after that we w…

    • 0 replies
  17. Started by CrackUC,

    Hope you revised the previous lesson..! if yes you could write a program like this..! Q: Write a program to print My first C program in screen. Ok forward to today's lesson we will today use some variables and data types..! I'll not a teacher to teach you with definations but i'll do my best so a variable can hold differnt values u'll understand what i meant to say till the end of the post..! now there are different data types like int ,char ,float,long,double Int %d CHar %ld Float %f Double %lf Char %c you might be thinking whats that % % thingy?thats we use where we want to use that data type u'll understand that too till post…

    • 0 replies
  18. Started by CrackUC,

    Its a pretty old method but nowdays also it works and being used by most hackers.... telnet is a program which is embded in windows ..using this u can connect to a remote server ,,hang up his system...shutdown his computer steal data(advanced) and lots more.. but its not that much easy u think..! first u need the ip address to proceed before anything..so problem occured is how get the ip address...(note:to telnet the ip the ip should be active @ that moment)...solution is u need to know which port the target is going...so i can't tell u that much deep..so basically u need a port scanner ...like airtel uses port 80 etc..every brand uses a port to connect through inter…

    • 16 replies
  19. Started by CrackUC,

    Maybe i posted in wrong section..coz i didn't found appropriate section for it to post... so lets start... Basics..:batch file are programmed in notepad and saved with an extension *.bat 2.it runs in command prompt... ..lets move to create our first one.. open notepad.. type the follwing commands.. c: cd windows telnet so lets analyse the code given above.. the first tells COMMAND.COM to go to to c: second line tells us that change the current directory to c:\windows.. the third line tells open telnet in c:\windows...u observed why i not put .exe with telnet.. ANSWER:The exe extension is automatically added by command.com lets proceed next lear…

    • 3 replies
  20. Ok guys i prepared a few C/C++ short questions for interviews. I had these written in a diary so i'll be typing the questions and answers gradually everyday. I hope these questions and answers help you guys. And please note that i used the age old Turbo C++ compiler for my programs because its light weight and i was using an old P4 machine with 640mb ram back then . So all outputs to these programs will be as per TC++ compiler.

  21. Started by PrinceRM,

    Here's a guide for all those people who go when they have to make one of those pattern programs... It will explain you how to make these funny triangles:- * ** *** **** ***** A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Download From Here