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  1. Started by navratn123,

    Hi friends...... In world...... The maximum no. of people uses windows........bcz of it's simplicity and distribution of apps............. The Famous Distribution in apps is Virus and spyware......... every 60% or more who uses the windows had the problem of Virus........ First i am introducing the what is Virus & Spyware.......??? Virus is a computer program which is already corrupted and also corrupt ur system files............ and misbehave ur system...... Now what is Spyware..........??? Spyware is a program which is used to steal ur info Silently to others........... For fighting them there is also a program called Anti-Virus and Ant…

    • 5 replies
  2. Increase DNS Cache The role of DNS cache is to store IP addresses of pages you have recently viewed. If you tend to visit particular sites often (such as facebook or twitter), increasing the size of your DNS cache effectively improves browser loading performance. To enhance the size of your DNS cache you need to do the following: Click the Start button and type “regedit” and hit enter. In the registry editor, browse to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DNScache\Parameters Right click on the white space on the right and add four DWORD values: CacheHashTableBucketSize CacheHashTableSize MaxCacheEntryTtlLimit MaxSOACacheEntryTtlLimit Ideal…

  3. Started by navratn123,

    This is a Colorful Ping Batch File For windows....... i am not owner for this but I just found on internet...... and i edited with My skills.... What is diifrence Between original and edited..... 1. in original "Request Timed Out" in edited version "Failed to Connect to internet or DNS server" 2. The color effect are fast when switched to failed to connect...... 3. Fast Ping service means time between not found an reply is less that's why u can inform faster then Original...... […

    • 2 replies
  4. Started by CrackUC,

    Okay there are ample No. of Tutorials available to install windows 7 but this tutorial will let you know that how to install windows 7 under different situations and restrictions ..... There are many ways what we will be covering are :- 1.Simple windows 7 installation with a DVD .. 2.Simple windows installation with USB ( 2 ways will be covered in this subject) 3.When your keyboard doesn't work in boot menu.. 4.When You want to install windows via usb for some reason and you have no operating system installed in system!! 5.Common methods to access some tools which are in windows disk itself and maybe useful for you!! 6.Install windows on an external HDD and use…

  5. Started by navratn123,

    25/7/2012 i fresh installed the windows 8 release preview........ but in metro i can't use two or more metro apps same time.............. my specification......... screen resolution 1360x768 1 gb ddr3 nvidia graphics..... 2 gb drr2 2.50 ghz process dual core....... 2mb l2 cache............... in simple language........ i am not able to use two or more metro apps same time means side by side......... when i trying it gonna overlaps on the other apps...............

    • 5 replies
  6. Started by sachinvermarip,

    I am trying to play PS2 games on my laptop using pcsx2, initially frame rate is good ~60 but when game starts it drops to 20-30 and games starts lagging. my laptop specs is good to run PS2 games, Please help me with pcsx2 configuration.

    • 1 reply
  7. Started by pavan061994,

    About: Transplant your face to any body you want and let your friends share your fun! Comes packed with large and larger numbers of templates, Face Off Max aims at helping you to create funny photos by transplanting any face to any body and share the fun with your friends. You won’t refuse to post a photo on your Facebook wall with you dancing with Megan Fox or with your friends becoming a zombie, right? Just with a little creativity, your fun can go boundlessly! Features: - Create funniest photos with built-in and updated templates or your own photos - Share with your friends: spread your fun - Text adding: speak the fun out - Easy …

    • 0 replies
  8. I recently changed my Logon Screen using some software (Popular one.. i dont remember the name) And after next boot. The windows showed "Please Wait..." and screen blinks, and this keeps happening in loop. Anyone knows what went wrong? My Configuration: Windows 7, 4gb ram, i5 processor, Intel HD graphics, Nvidia 1gb Graphic Card. Please help me why it happened. I have recovered my windows again using System Restore.

    • 4 replies
  9. Started by anil0405,

    while installing windows 7,"cd/dvd drive device missing" error is cpming how to solve

  10. Started by CrackUC,

    Some application say like this you don't have permissions to copy here,etc.These applications are mosty :- BAT, CMD, CPL, EXE, and MSC.. I'm providing a zip registry key file just replace that key with your (or simply install)key .And refresh. Voillaa...... Now you have take ownershop option in right click menu too!! However if you want to remove it i provide orignal registy key just install it and refresh or restart Pc dOne.!! WARNING:-DON'T TAKE OWNERSHIP OF C:\(WINDOWS 7) DRIVE!!!

  11. Some application tell you that don't have permissions to copy something, and all. For the following types of apps: BAT (Batch file), CMD(Command prompt file or .COM file), CPL (Control Panel file), EXE (Executable), and MSC (Management Console Snap-In), you need to use the "Run as administrator" option. There's a registry trick that'll help you. It adds this option to the context menu. You can click it, and you'll have permissions to modify that file. There are 2 .zip files attached. They both contain registry key files. Installer Uninstaller All you need to do is, that you gotta' extract these zip files first. You'll have 2 registry key files with a .reg exte…

  12. Started by sachinvermarip,

    1. Open your torrent client(utorrent,bitTorrent etc.) 2. Click on file in the menu. 3. Click on create new torrent. 4. Select the source file,tick start seeding,save the torrent. 5. now you will be able to see the torrent file in client window. 6.Right click on this file > copy magnet URL. 7. give this URL to your friend. 8. Ask him to click on File> add torrent from URL and then enter the URL which you gave to him. 9.Keep seeding,until he finishes the download. DONE :yahoo: :yahoo:

  13. Hello, Many of us face a lot of problem when we have to reinstall windows on our computer or laptop. First thing we have to decide from where to install windows? The options available are DVD or USB Pendrive. In the latest new netbooks, mostly there is no DVD drive. So if you want to install windows you have to go with the other option, i.e. USB Pendrive. So here I give a brief and 100% tested tutorial on how to create a Windows 7 Bootable USB Pendrive to install Windows 7 from USB Pendrive. First thing, you should check whether your BIOS supports booting from USB. Most of the computer/laptops support. But if your BIOS doesn’t, then sorry, you cannot boot from a USB…

    • 7 replies
  14. If Adf or ADfoc links annoys you and you don't want to wait for 5 seconds, Then you are on the right place, Here I will tell you how to Bypass Adf or Adfoc Links and save your 5 Seconds.. Mostly it will be useful for Mobile Users because many times I see mobile users struggling to bypass Adf links because it stucks to 1-2 seconds and doesnt show "SKip AD" Tab, Then you need to refresh it again, It happens with me.. Just Create a New Bookmark in Your Opera Mini or any other browser- javascript:showSkip(); Save it with the name of Adf Killer, Now whenever you click any Adf link then simply open your Adf Kiler Bookmark, It will directly show you "Skip AD" Button wi…

  15. Earlier i installed 2 antivirus(not at same time) namely avg and trend micro office scan!!! Now i uninstalled them but when i opened my security centre from control panel it shows that avg is protecting my firewall and trend micro is giving me virus protection!!! But none to them is installed!!! How to remove from there as i cant install mcafee now? By the way i removed their every entry!!!

    • 4 replies
  16. Guest Prayaas Aggarwal
    Started by Guest Prayaas Aggarwal,

    Hello guys, Did you know you can run each n every app of Android on your PC, even from Market without having to download excessively large SDKs with limited functionality? Ya, there is fortunately, a way. That's possible with the BlueStacks app. The app virtualizes the android environment and let's you run any .apk files. It's soon officially coming as a Windows 8 Metro app too, but meanwhile, we have it for desktop. Download Please remember that this app is still is alpha stage (not even beta), and you can expect things to happen. Here are a few personal screenies! (Bluestacks on Windows 8 Consumer Preview) [img width=672 height=420] Enjoy! P.S. If you need …

    • 7 replies
  17. Its really annoying when you use win7 and windows Xp both in same PC and you want windows vista like search capabilities in wondows XP too So I'm sharing a nice Appication its not same search but its 2X faser than windows 7 search and almost better than windows 7 Too! Download this application and install it Click ME If you click the tray icon, you'll see the options for snooze indexing (to prevent WDS indexing from slowing down other programs), for indexing now, and for viewing the indexing status The Indexing Status dialog box will show you how many items have been indexed and how many are left to scan Using this soft is extremely easy moreove…

    • 1 reply
  18. Started by Mr.perfect,

    I had installed windows 7 in my pc...i hate its performance..now anybody tell me how to install win xp ,..if i click Install Windows xp , it says that "your pc already has installed new version...now u cannot install win xp ? " ...help me how to install win xp ..

    • 3 replies
  19. There are times when you want to navigate over a webpage using the keyboard, this is called caret browsing of a webpage. In computing, caret navigation is a kind of keyboard navigation where a caret (also known as "text cursor", "text insertion cursor", or "text selection cursor") is used to navigate within a text document. It is a fundamental feature for applications that deal with text, for example text editors, word processors and desktop publishing programs. This kind of navigation is also supported by the Mozilla-based web browsers, where it is referred as"caret browsing". A shortcut key (F7) is assigned to toggle between caret mode and non-caret mode. In caret mode,…

    • 2 replies
  20. Started by CrackUC,

    µTorrent has a built in torrent search engine that will search individual torrent sites through your browser. The search sites included in this engine at default will not yield the results that most users want. This guide will give you information on how to use the µTorrent search engine and how to add torrent search sites to the µTorrent search engine to get the torrent search results you want. ADd them (any of them) IsoHunt|https://isohunt.com/torrents.php?ext=&op=and&ihq= PirateBay|https://thepiratebay.org/search/ Torrentz|https://www.torrentz.com/search?q= KAT|http://www.kat.ph/usearch/ BitSnoop|http://bitsnoop.com/search/all/ Vertor…

    • 1 reply
  21. Started by Die2mrw007,

    INCREASE UTORRENT DOWNLOAD SPEED - BOOST UTORRENT SPEED So follow these simple steps : Download utorrent from Here and Install it. Now Open it up and follow these steps Click on Options in menu bar and goto Preferences, No go to Connection In connection setting, Check enable upnp, port mapping, enable NAT-PMP port mapping and use 45682 for random port. Check use additional upload slots if upload speed <90% and follow the value setting Check for enable dht network, enable dht for new torrent, enable local peer discovery , ask tracker for scrape information, enable peer change, allow incoming legacy connections and enable outgoing protocol encryption. Set…

    • 4 replies
  22. Converting to NTFS Your hard drive must be formatted with a file system such as FAT, FAT32 or NTFS so that Windows can be installed on to it. This system determines how files are named, organised and stored on the drive. If you’re not using it already, NTFS (New Technology File System) is recommended for Windows XP because of the additional functionality it offers. If your PC came with Windows XP pre-installed then there’s a chance that you’re already using NTFS. If you’ve upgraded from Windows 98 or Windows Me you may still be using FAT or FAT 32. The option to change over to NTFS would have been available during the upgrade process. Don’t worry if you skipped this as…

    • 0 replies
  23. Started by CrackUC,

    Here's the simplest way of opening a elevated command prompt!! PROCEDURE:- Type CMD in start and right click on it And run as administrator.. Done !!

    • 0 replies
  24. The final version of the awesome theme from sagorpirbd.. "Different Touch 7"& "Different Touch 7 Basic" for Windows 7 (X86)32 bit & (X64)64 bit Systems With Windows 7 Build 7600 & Build 7601 SP1 Support. DOWNLOAD

    • 21 replies
  25. In February, Microsoft launched the beta version of Windows 8, but described it as a "Consumer Preview" version. Now a new rumor claims that Microsoft will also refer to the release candidate version of Windows 8 under another title. The Windows 8 news site WinUnleaked.tk, which has been reliable in the past, claims that when the Release Candidate is launched, it will actually be called the Windows 8 "Release Preview." It also repeats a previous claim that the RC/RP version of Windows 8 will be launched sometime in late May or early June. So far, Microsoft has not said anything about its schedule for pre-release versions of Windows 8, nor any word on what those builds w…

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