S60v5 Applications
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417 topics in this forum
QQ CENTER 2.0 http://forum.gizmolord.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=1543.0;attach=3438 http://forum.gizmolord.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=1543.0;attach=3440 http://forum.gizmolord.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=1543.0;attach=3442 http://forum.gizmolord.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=1543.0;attach=3444 http://forum.gizmolord.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=1543.0;attach=3446 http://forum.gizmolord.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=1543.0;attach=3448 http://forum.gizmolord.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=1543.0;attach=3450 http://forum.gizmolord.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=1543.0;attach=3452 Features - 1…
- 62 replies
its a count down app whic is awesome there is other time machine in ovi which is paid and this is not cracked or warez plz refer for ovi store's paid app its different http://store.ovi.com/content/7456?clickSource=search&pos=1
- 4 replies
http://forum.dailymobile.net/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=65650.0;attach=182131;image You can undo the sms After sending SMS, this app prompt to send SMS as you set the time from 5sec!!! Download it and enjoy it!! If you like this then +1 for me!! App is unsigned please signed it!! Sorry for this! note - iam not the ctreator and not yet tested proof that its not cracked - http://store.ovi.com/content/54822?clickSource=search&pos=1
- 6 replies
Hey Guyz, I am posting 6 good IM(s) for s60v5 Download which one you like. 1.Whatsapp 2.Nimbuzz [img width=236 height=420] 3.FacebookChat 4.imo 5.ebuddy [img width=236 height=420] 6.facinate [img width=236 height=420]http://facinate.me/screens/3.jpg All files attached!! If you like this hit +1 for me!!!
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Move from up to down or from down to up on display to show panel with quick settings. The program will allow you: change the brightness of the display; enable / disable Bluetooth; manage music player; launch your favorite app; and more.. You can setup panel display for preferred programs. Don't forget enable light sensor before uninstallation. Video demonstration is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=gtKTGE2Ex7o Ovi store links: Lite version: Limited functionality.Only one bar can be used at a time among music ,brightness,status,launch bars. www.store.ovi.com/content/247836?clickSource=search&pos=8 Full version: Full functionality www.stor…
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Your phone has too big screen, so you can't press the menu button using one hand? Or your N8 is in silicone cover, and it's uncomfortable to press that key? Install Tap2Menu and place virtual menu button where you want. Features: - Opening menu on press - Opening task manager on long press - Different positions for portrait and landscape - Exceptions list. [img width=236 height=420] download and comment
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Facial is a modern feature rich app with the smoothest user interface. Some people said that this client is smotther and better than fMobi for Symbian. And this client finally have Widgets!! Features: Feed, Friends, Photos, Pages, Events, Groups, Notifications Post, Check In, Post a photo, Comment, Like Search Auto refresh Swipe gestures Black and White theme [img width=236 height=420]http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/985/scr000003n.jpg [img width=236 height=420]http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/420/scr000002w.jpg Supported Devices: S60v5 Symbian Anna/Belle 1332_.sis
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I am looking for a good (and preferably free) time lapse application for S60 v5. There is an application 'Lapsed' mentioned in the 'Collection of QT apps' thread in this forum but that app seems to be discontinued now. (Beta trial has expired or something). Anybody know of any good time lapse apps?
- 2 replies
Version Symbian^Anna of powerful music player for S^3 and S60v5 devices. Key features: ? Full support for S^3 and S60v5 devices ? Special interface for control using touch screen ? Supported formats: MP3, AAC, WMA and M4A ? Built-in equalizer ? Sound fade, stereo widening and bass boost effects ? Support for skins and visual effects ? Ability to download songs, album covers and lyrics ? Online access to music charts ? Sleep timer ? Mini-player in background mode and many more features... What's new: ? Fixed bug of ID3 tags reading (Please clean playlist then re-scan songs) ? Reduced startup time ? Solved problem of auto play…
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Suite Creator v2.10(Beta Build) Create suites like Photo suite,Music suite etc. on your s60v5 phone with this application. Needs python module pack and supports phones with c6 or N97 firmware. Read Help for more info Screenies : Version History Update v1.01 Now you have to create an EMPTY folder with ANY name and the application will detect it automatically. Update v1.02 Now you can add hidden apps too. Suite Creator v1.02 Update v1.03 Now you can edit exisitng suites too. Update v1.03.5 i tried to solve "no folder" problem.So here is the new release kindly try and give feedbacks also updated About and gave credits to wook for his great he…
- 13 replies
This app helps you to measure the speed of any object that moves by picobrothers! Measure the speed of anything that moves. This application calculates the speed of objects. Just set the distance the object is traveling. Press the measure button and release when the object has passed the distance. Perfect for measuring speed of cars, baseballs, footballs or objects on TV. Features: km/h, mph, pitch counter, maximum, average speed and logg of last 10 recorded speeds. Recommended to install on C: Phone memory Buy it at Nokia Store A comment from our member Allstar12345:
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This is a app which is like wpemu but in different style Wind OS will blow in a feeling of good old Windows times to your phone! Download it and you will have a chance to listen to old-hat noises of a humming cooler, and see that classic desktop screen. With Wind OS you will have a notepad for text editing, a browser for surfing and, of course, a world-famous Minesweeper. So keep cool, think fast, guess right - and find 'em all! Nokia Store LINKS REMOVED & TITLE EDITED DON'T SHARE PAID/WAREZ APPS HERE //KBM
- 7 replies
Access Apps: Here is a new app that just awesomes our phone! We can open apps from anywhere just by swiping left to right! Meego -like Access to all apps with a finger swipe left-to-right. Simply ,ake application grid visible with a swipe, scroll the apps grid if needed and start the app with a click. You can also organize the icons to what ever order you like by long pressing the icon and dragging it. Free updates with new features will released in a near future. In case you have any proposals, contact us. Buy it at Nokia Store
- 16 replies
UA changer is an application using which you can change the user agent of your Nokia Web Browser to that of Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, iPhone, N73 etc. so that you can use your Nokia Browser as chrome, mozilla or whatever. Now you can browse any website in desktop mod. It requires python runtime. Just download the zip file. Python is included in it. Install all the three sis files present in the zip file. After installing open the application and select any user agent from the list. Now go to Nokia Web Browser and surf internet Download UA Changer from here or from the attachment.
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Hey all WhatsApp v2.7.1 no pop up Again no change log for symbian.... Thank you
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Hi Friends, Here I attached MsDict Advance Learner's Dictionary. Install it and Enjoy ! Download MsDict Advance Learner Dic.rar If u like the post, hit with +1.........
- 6 replies
WhatsApp Messenger is a cross-platform mobile messaging app which allows you to exchange messages without having to pay for SMS. WhatsApp Messenger is available for iPhone, BlackBerry, Android and Nokia and yes, those phones can all message each other! Because WhatsApp Messenger uses the same internet data plan that youuse for email and web browsing, there is no cost to message and stay in touch with your friends. Minimum requirements: Unlimited internet data plan! Nokia S60 3rd edition, 5th edition, Symbian^3, Symbian Anna, or Symbian Belle Operating System Supported device list: Symbian: X7 · E6 · N8 · C6 · C7 · E7 · 500 · 600 · 603 · 700 · 701…
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Please download the latest version of WhatsApp Messenger and enjoy service free for 1 year! During, or after free trial period you can purchase service for $0.99 USD/year. Direct download link:- WhatsApp_2_8_6.sis Minimum requirements: Unlimited internet data plan! Nokia S60 3rd edition, 5th edition, Symbian^3, Symbian Anna, or Symbian Belle Operating System Supported device list: Symbian: X7 · E6 · N8 · C6 · C7 · E7 · 500 · 600 · 603 · 700 · 701 · 808 S60 5th edition: Nokia 5800 · Nokia 5530 · Nokia 5230 · Nokia 5233 · Nokia 5235 · Nokia N97 · Nokia N97 mini · Nokia X6 · Nokia X5-01 · Nokia C6 · Nokia C5-03 · Samsung i8910 Omnia HD · So…
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“Facinate” the Qt based free Facebook client for Symbian smartphones updated to v2.0.56. The latest version brings New UI for S60v5 devices, along with few improvements and fixes to the client. [img width=236 height=420]http://facinate.me/screens/2.jpg [img width=236 height=420]http://facinate.me/screens/1.jpg Facinate is a free (forever-ever) facebook client that can do everything you’d expect it to do plus: *. Works on a Nokia 5800 or Nokia 700. Nobody is left out! *. Has a really unique, swipable user interface. Totally cool, sweet, fast and useful. *. Facebook CHAT. srsly? y, 24 / 7. omg, so kewl. c u. *. Home screen – and a really good looking one! *. N…
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All credits to Caciones.. http://forum.gizmolord.com/s60v5-applications/exclusive-unique-amazing!-anna-belle-tsunami-by-caciones-1340/?action=dlattach;attach=2871 2866_.sis 2867_.sis 2868_.sis 2869_.sis 2870_.sis
- 18 replies
Finally ... new whatsapp with profile photo Version of WhatsApp with profile picture just came out!! Enjoy! [img width=236 height=420] WhatsApp v2.08(4) S60v3 S60v5 Symbian^3 Anna Belle Unsigned http://www20.zippyshare.com/v/69895534/file.html http://www.embedupload.com/?d=3ZN3ZENCHA http://www.mirrorcreator.com/files/164ST3MT/NOKIAVNN.COM_WhatsApp_v2.08(4)_S60v3_S60v5_Symbian_3_Anna_Belle_Unsigned.zip_links Source: http://www.nokiavnn.com/
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NDESK BELLE LIKE MENU SKIN FOR S60V5 BY SESSHUMARU NOKIA FIRE SKIN [img width=315 height=420] CHANGELOG: -iphone slide unlock -square color frame color icons -green clock with funky style -blue belle notifaction bar -clean black background -nokia fire slide unlock wall SKULL SKIN [img width=236 height=420] [img width=315 height=420] CHANGELOG: -iphone slide unlock -CLEan icons -no clock in slide unlock -Brown belle notifaction bar -clean black background -Skull slide unlock wall -no frame icons -size fix for all icons in menu this only a skin patch you can dowload the ndesk app on ovi store Download 5487_.…
- 1 reply
A new, great app developed by Mummo for our smartphones. Write notes, record calls, play music on the phone line, take and send pictures during a phone call. Also includes quick access to calendar, contacts, calculator and messaging during a phone call. When playing music on the phone line, the volume level can be adjusted in same way you normally adjust music volume level. Buy it at Nokia Store
- 3 replies
Facinate is a free (forever-ever) facebook client that can do everything you'd expect it to do plus.Free! Seriously - no trial versions, no limited functionality – just free. Now and forever ever! We thought it really wouldn’t be fair if we left anybody out so you can use facinate with the legendary Nokia 5800 or on the hippest Nokia 700. Nobody is left out! facinate has a really unique user experience as pages are not only scrollable vertically but also horizontally swipable. It’s so sweet, fast and useful that you’d wish all apps had such navigation in. CHAT. srsly? y, 24 / 7. omg, so kewl. c u there. Home screen – and a really good looking one! Notifications …
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