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Nokia Series40 (S40)

Nokia X3 and C3 Touch and Type, X3, C3, 5310, 6131, 6280, 6300, 6500, 8800 etc.

  1. Here is a tutorial to flash ur nokia s40 phone with original firmware files using J.A.F. Download JAFSetup_1.98.62.rar : http://www.mediafire.com/?yn1ywy5cunj Downalod and install Nokia PC Suite : http://europe.nokia.com/support/product-support/pc-suites Download Navifirm from the attachment Install JAF setup. Here I m taking Nokia 2700c for flashing. Required files for flashing purpose are shown as the figure below: http://forum.gizmolord.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=2062.0;attach=4365;image Now come to the procedure for downloading your firmware files 1. open navifirm. 2. select ur RM-Type in the 1st column. To know ur phone's RM-Type, dial *#0000…

    • 79 replies
  2. Started by djoka,

    Hi, i need ful pm file for nokia asha 201 , code RM-799 plz help!!! After reset counter my phone is in contact service mode. I am flash phone by Phoenix and now is in test mode, need to write pm

    • 0 replies
  3. Started by manu.bali1,

    hey cn any one provide me flash files of nokia x2 rm 618 v8.35 or higher...

    • 4 replies
  4. Nokia 100 [RH-130] v4.4 RH130_059L4R6_04.40_001_signature.binRH130_059L4R6_04.40_001.vplRH130_059L4R6_04.40_001.dcprh1300_nai04.40aarh130_004.40aarh130_004.400 ================================================================================== Nokia 101 [RH-131] v4.3 RH131_059N2D6_04.30_001_signature.binRH131_059N2D6_04.30_001.vplRH131_059N2D6_04.30_001.dcprh1310_nai04.30ubrh131_004.30ubrh131_004.300 ================================================================================== Nokia 101 [RM-769] v7.7 RM769_059G7Q8_07.70_001_signature.binRM769_059G7Q8_07.70_001.vplRM769_059G7Q8_07.70_001.dcprm7690_nai07.70iarm769_007.70iarm769_007.700 ===============================…

    • 3 replies
  5. Started by saaas,

    Nokia 100 [RH-130] v4.4 RH130_059L4R6_04.40_001_signature.binRH130_059L4R6_04.40_001.vplRH130_059L4R6_04.40_001.dcprh1300_nai04.40aarh130_004.40aarh130_004.400 ================================================================================== Nokia 101 [RH-131] v4.3 RH131_059N2D6_04.30_001_signature.binRH131_059N2D6_04.30_001.vplRH131_059N2D6_04.30_001.dcprh1310_nai04.30ubrh131_004.30ubrh131_004.300 ================================================================================== Nokia 101 [RM-769] v7.7 RM769_059G7Q8_07.70_001_signature.binRM769_059G7Q8_07.70_001.vplRM769_059G7Q8_07.70_001.dcprm7690_nai07.70iarm769_007.70iarm769_007.700 ===============================…

    • 4 replies
  6. Hi I am from pakistan. I am looking for mobile which supports voice changer, call recorder and many other spy kinda features. I seen few years ago a china mobile with perfect voice changer but I forgot the model number/name. If someone knows phone like this please replay. Regards

  7. Started by hackrishna,

    CFW for Nokia 2700c > MARIA BELLE by zenaufa Screenshots : http://k.minus.com/jhPfKpxSckLou.bmp Features : - Orange Homescreen - Symbian Belle Bottom Bar - Windows 7 Icon - Enchanced Status bar icon - Changed Bootscreen - Etc Download Link Credits: zenaufa

  8. Started by Marioh,

    Hi everyone, I hope I've posted it in the right way since I found no other place to post it. I have a simple doubt: since you may know, the Nokia C2-05 has no equalizer at all. Is it possible to put the equalizer out of a 5130 into the FW of the other one? Im sorry if it's a dumb question, I really didn't know much of cooking firmware stuff until yesterday evening, so figure out. Thanks in advance, I'd appreciate your help.

    • 3 replies
  9. Started by gam3r,

    hy all, this is my first tread/post here so go easy on me... So i got a modded cfw for my nokia 2730 then i used jaf and had sm fun but i really want to make my own version... And all i can find was basic ppm editors to change fonts but i want to edit contet and ppm files more advancedly... So if sm one can point me in the ryt direction ps:- nfe and nokia cooker wont work

    • 2 replies
  10. Started by naresh5230,

    Hi guys...I have a nokia 2730c which got totally bricked...when i was flashing it using phoenix in dead USB mode.The process completeted till here Flashing started Creating product data items list Product data items list created Backup not required Flashing phone Initializing Loading flashing files... Opening RAW connection... Waiting for USB device... --- Press phone's power button! --- Connection opened to BootCode successfully Loading secondary boot code: 14592 bytes Secondary boot loaded Loading update server code: 308032 bytes Update server loaded Asic CMT: Verifying communication to device... Asic CMT: Verifying communication to device... Load…

    • 2 replies
  11. Hello everyone i have made a CFW for Nokia 6303 [move]BELLE POP[/move] Hope you guys love this... Hit Thanks if You Like My CFW Here's Are some screenshots- Changes:- -Belle botom bar -new icons -orange homescreen -new status bar icons -new luk of musicplayer Flashing Method -download jaf Download -open navifirm provided in ppm pack -select ur RM-Type in the 1st column. To know ur phone's RM-Type, dial *#0000# in ur phone and note the RM-type and ur firmware version too. -select ur firmware version in the 2nd column dont select lower firmware virsion i…

    • 2 replies
  12. Started by chetan,

    i was flashing my 5130 with jaf due to electricity failure ... my flashing was interrupt..... i try to flash again ..... but i couldn't...... some error comes.... here is the status bout my flashing... work..... JAF version 1.98.62 Detected PKEY: 9000AAC9 Card life counter: 99.99% P-key nokia module version 01.02 FBUS INTERFACE NOT CONNECTED!!! USB Cable Driver version: Changing mode...Done! FILES SET FOR FLASHING: MCU Flash file: NONE PPM Flash file: NONE CNT Flash file: NONE APE Variant file: NONE Searching for JAF saved location of ini... Checking path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-495\ Searching for default location of ini... Checking pa…

    • 28 replies
  13. Started by masoom.darwaish,

    help me my phone is dead while flashing due to electricity shortfall,,,,, :/ when im flashing with j.a.f. it says .. JAF version 1.98.62 Detected PKEY: 90009699 Card life counter: 99.99% P-key nokia module version 01.02 FBUS INTERFACE NOT CONNECTED!!! USB Cable Driver version: Changing mode...Done! FILES SET FOR FLASHING: MCU Flash file: NONE PPM Flash file: NONE CNT Flash file: NONE APE Variant file: NONE Searching for JAF saved location of ini... Checking path: C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\RM-436\ Searching for default location of ini... Checking path: \Products\RM-436\ Searching for JAF saved location of ini... Checking path: C:\Program Files\Nok…

  14. Started by Amman Ahmed,

    Personalize the look is fun, this is the latest theme for Nokia Java Phone and this theme is an update of previous WP8 theme, in this theme I changed some parts like, swf wallpaper, wallpaper menu, music skin and some elements..there are some screenshot i inserted @ attachment ...I am just sharing it For 240*320 resolution phone:- Windows 8 blue:- http://goo.gl/3PK77 Windows 8 red:- http://goo.gl/JV4bB For 320*240 resolution phone:- Windows 8 pink:- http://goo.gl/xuDaF Windows 8 green:- http://goo.gl/H7Uyj enjoy....

    • 4 replies
  15. Run 5 applications at the same time PROCEDURE: 1] Open the jar application with WinRAR via PC 2] Goto META-INF >> MANIFEST.MF 3] Edit MANIFEST.MF using notepad and add followings lines. Nokia-MIDlet-auto-start: no Nokia-MIDlet-no-exit: true 4] Save it and drop in the same folder That's it. Now whenever you press red button on your phone instead of closing the application goes to background. eg. Manifest-Version: 1.0 MicroEdition-Configuration:CLDC-1.0 MIDlet-Name: Periodic Table Created-By: 1.4.2_07(Sun Microsystems Inc.) MIDlet-Vendor: NOKIA MIDlet-1:periodic table 2.0, /Pt.png, Pt MIDlet-Version: 2.0.1 MicroEdition-Profile:MIDP-2.0 Nokia-MIDlet-auto-start: no Noki…

  16. Changelog for v2.2: Ui re-aligned to centre on full touch devices. Buttons size increased,button colour,outline colour changed. Size:0.06 MB Price: £1.00 Buy from Nokia store

  17. Started by chetan,

    i wanna to if any cfw it there for 6303.... if there den plz post the link.... thanks!!!!!!!

    • 3 replies
  18. Started by usman1553,

    I Need Urdu Language For S40 NOkia 6300 Yesterday I Update My Nokia 6300 Software But After Upgrading I Look Only English Language Available In Mobile I Want To Add Urdu Language In My Mobile Please Tell ME Step By Step Easily Thanks In Advanced

  19. Started by usman1553,

    I Need Talking Tom For Nokia 6300 ?

  20. Started by swapnil268,

    when i flashed my nokia 5130 i had facing problem when i installed .jad or .jar file "cerficate not phone or sim"

  21. Started by KBM,

    This topic has been moved to GL Discussion Board. [iurl]http://forum.gizmolord.com/index.php?topic=5341.0[/iurl]

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  22. Started by Ajithku,

    Anyone pls make a cfw for x2 02 with orange hs etc.,

  23. Here are some basic facts about your s40 phone: 1. Series 40 devices can only run java (j2me) applications. Unlike s60, it disables/pauses all kinds of running applications (except some games + some file managers) while you are making/receiving a call. 2.It cannot run multiple applications at once. Unless you hack the Control Panel and the apps you can minimize it. But on a normal s40 phone, multitasking is not possible. 3.Your Phone doesnt support any call recorder app. Your s40 phone has built in call recorder which is programmed to beep each 3 second time. It is to maintain privacy... So that you can't record a call secretly (without telling the person on the …

    • 4 replies
  24. Started by Die2mrw007,

    Android Nature Theme for Nokia S40 device http://forum.gizmolord.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=3808.0;attach=8550

    • 2 replies
  25. Started by Tristar,

    WhatsApp Messenger is a cross-platform mobile messaging app which allows you to exchange messages without having to pay for SMS. WhatsApp Messenger is available for iPhone, BlackBerry, Android, Windows Phone and Nokia and yes, those phones can all message each other! Because WhatsApp Messenger uses the same internet data plan that you use for email and web browsing, there is no cost to message and stay in touch with your friends. In addition to basic messaging WhatsApp users can create groups, send each other unlimited images, video and audio media messages. Download Minimum requirements: Unlimited data plan! Nokia Series 40 phone. Supported devices: Noki…

    • 4 replies