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Beta Test Results

First Boot Says Krystal^2

after restart says Krystal^1

3D Photo Browser Doesn't Open

Couldn't Make Successful Call from Sip Voip Calling

Call Goes but could not Connect.

fmobi Doesn't Load does blank white.

Battery Drain.

Plus Points

Message Reader

Internet call can be made from calls Menu (Though some error)

Faster Boot

Calender not crashing after exit Like Krystal^1

Nokia Store Updated.

Can Add too

PDF Reader


Beta Test Results

First Boot Says Krystal^2

after restart says Krystal^1

3D Photo Browser Doesn't Open

Couldn't Make Successful Call from Sip Voip Calling

Call Goes but could not Connect.

fmobi Doesn't Load does blank white.

Battery Drain.

Plus Points

Message Reader

Internet call can be made from calls Menu (Though some error)

Faster Boot

Calender not crashing after exit Like Krystal^1

Nokia Store Updated.

Can Add too

PDF Reader

wtf!!! Is beta-Test Going on @_@


Beta Test Results

First Boot Says Krystal^2

after restart says Krystal^1

3D Photo Browser Doesn't Open

Couldn't Make Successful Call from Sip Voip Calling

Call Goes but could not Connect.

fmobi Doesn't Load does blank white.

Battery Drain.

Calender not crashing after exit Like Krystal^1

Can Add too

PDF Reader

Hey, thanks for the beta test mate :)

the first bug u told is something weird..i am not getting any idea why is it happening.. "the krystal^2" thing

I didnt installed 3D photo browser in beta release..though you can find it in photos menu

Sorry, actually I deleted Sip Viop calling function as I think majority doesnt need this. (I will include it now as 3G services would become cheaper here in India)

fmobi bug u mentioned is actually not a bug...see the official site of fmobi, there the author has mentioned the solution for this. you will need to uninstall QT webkit and some other packages and need to re-install it.. (refer to the official website for exact details)

yeah, I noticed this battery drain issue....will try to fix it for sure

+5 for this detailed review mate :)


battery drain was a major issue in krystal 1

fix it with balanced performance and stability

yup sure, this time I will reduce the CPU load and try to achieve better amt of battery


Final release for 5800?

I am sorry, I couldnt release the cfw on time/mentioned time duration due to many situations and reasons..one major factor was the exams.

and now I was busy with C6v41 porting...I did released it for 5800 and X6 variant.

I will get back to work on krystal soon :)


personally speaking its waste of tym porting c6v41 as some or the others already ported web browser,fixed camera etc. so isn't it waste of tym to port c6v41 and make new cfw  based on it??

mate, the released ports are proving to be buggy...

See the thread in DM..many complaining abt rohit transformation pack and binh24 port (but I feel binh24 is not really buggy as many user confirmed me the same before)

and yeah, for rohit's pack i did tested it personally yesterday and found many bugs..

A bug-free port is thus essential


but my ques is why to port as we already have c6v40 and n97?nd with many bugs fixed

Therez many improvement in C6v41 port..hence I am planning out for going with C6v41

I could feel the difference in C6v41...the UI transition speed, mediabar fixed..etc

web browser and camera could be ported to c6v40...what abt other things ? ...even derz no issue with QT in c6v41


I hope u will released krystan 2 soon, can u short tell me what is new in krystal 2 if u watch krystal 1? Thanks mate ;)

I did posted a rough changelogs of Krystal^2 in the cfw releases thread...you could find there


ok as your wish but be sure about qt hope we could see krystal 2 as early as possible

but cant yet decide upon it...If I face any issues like some major mod not working, I will shift back to v40
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