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CUSTOM ROMs Collection for Defy & Defy+

Guide/Steps to follow:

Boot into recovery: When you power ON the phone, press volume (-) hardware key as soon as you see blue notification light on top left corner of your phone. This will land you to the recovery mode menu.

Controls: Use Volume (+) and Volume (-) hardware keys to navigate through the menu and Power button to select the option.

1. Select "Wipe data/factory settings" ..... Confirm "Yes-Wipe data/factory settings"

2. Select "Wipe cache partition" ..... Confirm "Yes - Wipe cache partition"

3. Select "Install from sd card" ..... Select the ROM file you saved in your sd card and confirm it with "Yes"

4. Go to back>back until you reach the home menu of the recovery boot console. Then select "Advanced" option.

5. Select "Wipe Dalvik cache"

6. Select "Wipe battery cache"

7. Go to back and select "Install from sd card" .....select the kernel file you saved in your sd card and confirm it with "Yes".

Defy MB525 user should install Froyo/Gingerbread Kernel (Depends)

Defy+ MB526 user need not have to flash with kernel File. (just skip this process and move to step. 8 of this tutorial)

8. Select "install from sd card".....select the gapps file you saved in your sd card and confirm it with "Yes"

(gapps minimal recommended)

9. Please Note that not all custom roms will need gapps, and may need froyo or gingerbread kernel so if you have any doubts, ask and i'll try to help in the best way possible


A. Gingerbread (GB) Based Roms


1. Official CyanogenMod (CM) 7 Builds

Link : http://download.cyanogenmod.com/?device=jordan

CM7.2 Stable : http://get.cm/get/2L0

2. Quarx Nightly Builds

XDA Link : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1033654

Link : http://quarx2k.ru/

Defy : http://quarx2k.ru/cm7-nightly-defy/

Defy+ : http://quarx2k.ru/cm7-nightly-defy+/

3. Maniac's Nighty Builds

Defy / Defy+ : https://github.com/maniac103/android_device_motorola_jordan-common/downloads

4. [KANG] Cherry Picks Un-official CM-7 Builds for Defy and Defy

XDA Link : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1470721

Defy : http://fitsnugly.euroskank.com/?rom=cm7&device=jordan

Defy+ : http://fitsnugly.euroskank.com/?rom=cm7&device=jordanplus

5. WhiteRabbit Edition 1.7.1

XDA Link : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1510063

Defy : http://roms.custom-android.de/counter/click.php?id=149

Defy+ : http://roms.custom-android.de/counter/click.php?id=148

6. [MIUI] Pikachu Edition 2.Xz *LAST EDITION*

XDA Link : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1498843

Note : For only Froyo Kernel i.e only Defy. Defy+ not supported.

Defy : http://roms.custom-android.de/counter/click.php?id=150

7.  GingerSpeed v 1.2 (New Version!) (28/06/2012)

XDA Link : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1666541

Defy+ / Defy (Red) : http://d-h.st/PDc

Note : Green lens is not supported by default, you will have to install greenbread mod after you install this ROM.

8. Mokee OS Official / Mokee OS Revised

XDA Link : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1913172

Defy : http://www.mediafire.com/?s596f00hd40xxy2  (v1.10.465)

Defy+ : http://www.mediafire.com/?f92u4iirt34v6zy  (v1.10.472)

9. WIUI (Based on MIUI & CM)

XDA Link : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1161110

Defy : http://goo.im/devs/Wajk/Defy/GB/WajkIUI_multilang_2.9.27.zip

Defy+ : http://goo.im/devs/Wajk/Defy%20Plus/GB/WajkIUI_multilang_2.9.27_Plus.zip

10. DianXin OS (DX ROM)

XDA Link : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1479185

Defy : http://www.mediafire.com/?mkkf0vcbvd6ecl3

11. LeWaOs

XDA Link : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1640752

Defy : http://minus.com/mPi7iap4r

12. MS2Ginger 4.0

XDA Link : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1140839

Defy (Red)/ Defy+ : http://d-h.st/YHZ

Kernel for Defy (Red) : http://d-h.st/ro3  (4.5.3-109-DPP-11 / BL5 / Better Battery)

Kernel for Defy (Red) : http://d-h.st/HB0  (4.5.2-109-DHT-22 / BL5 / Better Performance)

GreenBread Patch without Kernel : http://d-h.st/4ZF

GreenBread Patch with Kernel : http://d-h.st/iGn


B. IceCream Sandwich (ICS) 4.0.4 Based ROMs


1. Epsylon3 Nightly Builds

XDA Link : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1353003

Defy : http://defy.wdscript.fr/defy-cm9/

Defy+ : http://defy.wdscript.fr/defyplus-cm9/

2. Quarx Nightly Builds

XDA Link : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1432100

Defy : http://quarx2k.ru/cm9-nightly-defy/

Defy+ : http://quarx2k.ru/cm9-nightly-defy+/

3. Codename Android 1.6.0

XDA Link : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1585905

Defy: http://www.wuala.com/Sesme/Android/AOSP/Codename-Android-%28MOD%29-1.6.0-DFY.zip/


XDA Link : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1161110

Defy : http://goo.im/devs/Wajk/Defy/ICS/WIUI_v4_Defy_2_8_23.zip

Defy+ : http://goo.im/devs/Wajk/Defy%20Plus/ICS/WIUI_v4_Defy_2_8_2_Plus.zip

5. Moto Ice Gun Edition V.1.0

XDA Link : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1781658

Defy(Green) : http://roms.custom-android.de/counter/click.php?id=97

Defy (Red) : http://roms.custom-android.de/counter/click.php?id=95

Defy+ : http://roms.custom-android.de/counter/click.php?id=94

6. Salad Bar [iCS]

XDA Link : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1824551

Defy : http://d-h.st/9fx

Defy (Red)/ Defy+ : http://d-h.st/fpW

7. Defy+++

XDA Link : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1776161

Defy+ : http://www32.zippyshare.com/v/94455776/file.html

8. Fast Edition Black 2.0 (Final)

XDA Link : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1779684


Defy / Defy (Red) / Defy+ : http://d-h.st/5Nt

9. QiSS ME Rom

Link : http://tw.qiss.mobi/download_software.php?mod=en#Moto

Defy : http://tw.qiss.mobi/direct.php?mod=ROM&id=WefY (Beta / 4.1.1)

Defy : http://tw.qiss.mobi/direct.php?mod=ROM&id=WDAF (RC / 4.0.4)

Defy+ : http://tw.qiss.mobi/direct.php?mod=ROM&id=SOA7 (Beta / 4.0.4)

Defy+ : http://tw.qiss.mobi/direct.php?mod=ROM&id=Y8AH (RC / 4.0.4)


C. JellyBean (JB) 4.1.1 Based ROMs


1. Quarx Nightly Builds

XDA Link : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1768702

Defy : http://quarx2k.ru/cm10-nightly-defy/

Defy+ : http://quarx2k.ru/cm10-nightly-defy+/

2. Epsylon3 Nightly Builds

Defy : http://defy.wdscript.fr/defy-cm10/

3. CMX Jelly Belly 4.1.1

Link : http://www.grupoandroid.com/topic/57173-cm10rom-cmx-jelly-belly-411-ota-updater-1409/

Defy+ / Defy (Red) : http://userdj.grupoandroid.com/CMX/Builds/CMX-140912-JB-GB.zip

4. Codenameandroid 3.6.5 [JB]

XDA Link : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1824551

Defy : http://goo.im/devs/Kayant/CNA/Codename-Android-3.6.5-UNOFFICIAL-mb525.zip

Defy+ : http://goo.im/devs/Kayant/CNA/Codename-Android-3.6.5-UNOFFICIAL-mb526.zip

5. CM10 Jelly Bean Canon v5.4

XDA Link : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=31878981&postcount=21


Defy : http://app.php-friends.de/CM10-Jelly-Bean-Cannon-V5.4-Normal-Defy.zip

Defy+ : http://app.php-friends.de/CM10-Jelly-Bean-Cannon-V5.4-Defy+-Normal.zip

6. ParanoidAndroid 2.14

XDA Link : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1867599

Defy : http://goo.im/devs/skeevy420/ParanoidAndroid/Defy/PARANOIDANDROID-JB-2.14-MotoDefy-20120927.zip

Defy+ : http://goo.im/devs/skeevy420/ParanoidAndroid/Defy%20Plus/PARANOIDANDROID-JB-2.14-MotoDefyPlus-20120927.zip

7. WIUI (JB)

XDA Links : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1161110

Defy : http://goo.im/devs/Wajk/Defy/JB/WIUI_v4_JB_Defy_2_9_20.zip

Defy+ : http://goo.im/devs/Wajk/Defy%20Plus/JB/WIUI_v4_JB_Defy_2_9_20_Plus.zip

8. Unofficial AOKP JB

XDA Link : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1833036

Defy : http://www33.zippyshare.com/v/35604187/file.html

Defy (Red) / Defy+ : http://www10.zippyshare.com/v/75835352/file.html

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  On 9/10/2012 at 4:18 PM, navratn123 said:

ohhh my god what a neat collection +5 bro :-O

but u didn't posted the stock rom which is 2.3..... :P

thanks :D

and its custom rom collection, hence didn't add stock rom.


Epic share tristar :) @die give him +10 from my side as u can do it in one go :P

Sent from my IDEA id-918 using Tapatalk 2

thanks man.


great share bro +1

thanks :)
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<br /><br /><br />its provided edios. The xda link is link to rom thread :D<br /><br />Sent from my ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 918N using Tapatalk 2 Thanks and yea like HellRocker said, the links have been added, but they aren't really that necessary, cause it's almost the same procedure for each and every rom of defy and defy+

Sent from my MB526 using Tapatalk 2


  On 10/10/2012 at 10:39 AM, HellRocker© said:

its provided edios. The xda link is link to rom thread :D

Sent from my ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 918N using Tapatalk 2


<br /><br /><br />its provided edios. The xda link is link to rom thread :D<br /><br />Sent from my ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 918N using Tapatalk 2

Oh, but there aren't for some. And I said because a newbie like me chooses by looking at the screenshots. :D:P


  On 15/10/2012 at 7:23 AM, Tristar said:

Your Welcome :D

I have tested all JB roms listed here in thread  :) & I can say best Rom for defy plus is CMX rom  :yahoo:. Very smooth & fast. I am lovin it  \m/

Only thing is u need to get the battery fix (Look for RedlensBatteryFix_Working.zip) from original CMX forum. At initial install Rom bricks the battery (even wipe battery stats doesn't work).


  On 19/10/2012 at 6:55 AM, tomright said:

I have tested all JB roms listed here in thread  :) & I can say best Rom for defy plus is CMX rom  :yahoo:. Very smooth & fast. I am lovin it  \m/

Only thing is u need to get the battery fix (Look for RedlensBatteryFix_Working.zip) from original CMX forum. At initial install Rom bricks the battery (even wipe battery stats doesn't work).

Yes you are extremely right. I am currently using CM10 JellyBean ROM and its working fabulous :)

Thank you for share. But I would like to know what is the use of flashing kernel file? I rooted my phone, installed sndinit. Then flashed CM10 by following the standard procedure and then flashed gapps. In between I don't remember that I did do flash 'kernel file'. But still my phone is fine.(better than froyo). Could you help me regarding this?


  On 20/10/2012 at 8:31 PM, dkloveu said:

Thank you for share.

But I would like to know what is the use of flashing kernel file?

I rooted my phone, installed sndinit. Then flashed CM10 by following the standard procedure and then flashed gapps. In between I don't remember that I did do flash 'kernel file'.

But still my phone is fine.(better than froyo).

Could you help me regarding this?

Kernel file is required if the phone is Defy MB525. For Defy+ MB526 users, flashing kernel file is not required or infact not to flash kernel file.

Yes, without flashing Kernel file or even gapps, your phone will boot without issues.

From what i experienced with Defy MB525 without flashing kernel or flashing with wrong kernel is that it used to take more time in booting up of device. The boot time of the phone increases and phone gets serious lags upon usage.


  On 21/10/2012 at 10:43 AM, Die2mrw007 said:

Kernel file is required if the phone is Defy MB525. For Defy+ MB526 users, flashing kernel file is not required or infact not to flash kernel file.

Yes, without flashing Kernel file or even gapps, your phone will boot without issues.

From what i experienced with Defy MB525 without flashing kernel or flashing with wrong kernel is that it used to take more time in booting up of device. The boot time of the phone increases and phone gets serious lags upon usage.

Thank you sir, for your quick reply. But I would like to know one more thing. I know many ask this question and I'm sorry to be lazy and not to search all those pages. :(

So my question is,can I flash both kernel on my DEFY MB525(GL)..? Or Flashing GB kernel would affect my phone?

And as I am a newbie to all this rooting and flashing stuff, I would also like to know that like if I want to test different roms on my phone how could I get back the data installed on the previous roms.? Like I am using CM10(4.1.1) now and want to flash CM7.2[because battery back-up really sucks]. So if I make a back-up of CM10, data would it run on CM7.2 rom?

I have many questions regarding all this.

Your help would be very helpful. I could help others too. :)


  On 21/10/2012 at 3:17 PM, dkloveu said:

Thank you sir, for your quick reply. But I would like to know one more thing. I know many ask this question and I'm sorry to be lazy and not to search all those pages. :(

So my question is,can I flash both kernel on my DEFY MB525(GL)..? Or Flashing GB kernel would affect my phone?

And as I am a newbie to all this rooting and flashing stuff, I would also like to know that like if I want to test different roms on my phone how could I get back the data installed on the previous roms.? Like I am using CM10(4.1.1) now and want to flash CM7.2[because battery back-up really sucks]. So if I make a back-up of CM10, data would it run on CM7.2 rom?

I have many questions regarding all this.

Your help would be very helpful. I could help others too. :)

You should not flash with Gingerbread kernel for Defy MB525 Green lens..... Always flash with Froyo kernel for your phone.

And flashing of kernel is ROM dependant....its not advisable to flash kernel if the ROM developer didnt mention such.

Like for 4.1.1 by QUarx, it is required to flash with Froyo kernel for MB525 users. But for MB526 users, its not required to flash with any kernel files.

Some ROM makers include kernel files inside the ROM zip file itself and hence they do not advice to flash any kernel file in their development release thread/topic.

The latest 4.1.2 JB ROM by Quarx has injected kernel files inside the ROM zip file and hence you do not need to flash with any sort of kernel file seperately. The kernel gets installed automatically when you install the ROM file as its inbuilt with the ROM zip.

And for backup, what sort of backup you are referring to ?

Is it CWM backup...the backup options where you get in the recovery boot menu?

If so, thats the complete ROM backup and not the apps backup....

If you wish to take backup of all the apps you have installed, you can try the famous app named" Titanium backup pro"

that takes the app backup and restore it too. Although I never used this app and hence cant say how to use it properly. But i guess, you will get a short intro of how to use this app when you install and open the app in your phone. Try it once.

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  On 9/12/2012 at 7:22 AM, crazydefyplus said:

Hello guys,

I am using Moto defy+ since 4 months.

I have tried various custom ROMs and everything was well.

But since few days, my camera is making some fluttering noise while using camera related things.

two of my softkeys are dimmed and rests two are lit normally.

Please give me suggestion/solutions.

its normally happens with certain roms, try flashing from beginning with another rom in which all these used to work properly. The dim light button problem happens when some roms are bugged, and they tend to cause damage to the buttons especially the brightness, flashing again normally fixes it, otherwise it is a hardware defect, and you will have to get it fixed at the service center.

Sent from my Defy+

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