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CFW Name: [glow=red,2,300]I^Speed[/glow]  :) :) :)

CFW Creator: [glow=red,2,300]Charan12999(Hari Charan)[/glow]  :) :) :)

Model :[glow=red,2,300] Nokia 5233[/glow]

Supported RM's : [glow=red,2,300]RM-625(MORE RM's COMING SOON)[/glow]  :D :D :D

Base Firmware : [glow=red,2,300]N97v30.0.016[/glow]  :) :) :) :)

Languages Present : [glow=red,2,300]English[/glow]  :D :D :D :D

Credits :

Special thanks to- [move][glow=red,2,300]Hellrocker For guiding me[/glow][/move]

Thanks to -[move][glow=red,2,300]die2mrw007[/glow][/move] (i used many resource file from Krystal)

Thanks to -[move][glow=red,2,300]ASHTHEHACKER (for caring to reply for my pm and helping me by advices)



Thanks to binh24 for N97v30 port

Mods and Resources :

dan-av, CODeRUS, die2mrw007.

10202be9 (Cenrep) Description Files :

Szakalit, CODeRUS.

Splashscreen and Shutdown screens by-  [move][glow=red,2,300]Charan12999(Hari charan)(me)[/glow][/move]  :) :) :) :) :)

[move][glow=red,2,300]Please add +1 if you like it  ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-):D :D :D :D :D[/glow][/move]


Posted Image  [img width=236 height=420] sysap.jpg  [img width=236 height=420] home2.jpg [img width=236 height=420] home.jpg [img width=236 height=420] menu.jpg [img width=236 height=420] maps.jpg [img width=236 height=420] office.jpg [img width=236 height=420] tools.jpg[/img Posted Image [img width=236 height=420] apps.jpg [img width=236 height=420] autoinstaller.jpgPosted Image [img width=236 height=420] device+update.jpg [img width=236 height=420] dialer.jpg [img width=236 height=420] file+manger.jpg [img width=236 height=420] general.jpgPosted Image [img width=236 height=420] imelo3.jpgPosted ImagePosted Image [img width=236 height=420] msg.jpg [img width=236 height=420] music1.jpg  [img width=236 height=420] open+apps.jpg [img width=236 height=420] photos.jpg [img width=236 height=420] photos1.jpg [img width=236 height=420] power.jpg

Posted Image


[img width=672 height=420] general+1.jpg

[img width=560 height=420] GENERAL+2.jpg

[img width=672 height=420] camera,removed,added,run,wallpapers.jpg

[img width=560 height=420] home,graphy.jpg

[img width=560 height=420] install+light.jpg

[img width=560 height=420]http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-KM3KHI3tZ5s/UFRyHMJmKpI/AAAAAAAAAO0/nDJ43d6ItsA/s1600


[img width=672 height=420] messeage.jpg

[img width=560 height=420] multimedia.jpg

[img width=672 height=420] performance.jpg



[glow=red,2,300]Visit my website - HERE[/glow]

[glow=red,2,300]Join my page: Team Danger Modders[/glow]


Find me: HERE[/glow]

[glow=red,2,300]My forum Profile:Here[/glow]

My Youtube Channel

More updates will be given [glow=red,2,300]HERE[/glow]



[glow=red,2,300]with this simple procedure you can free up to 10 Mb of RAM memory

in C: \ Private \ 101f875a \ delete all the files, which are in the Startup folder and Tasks folder[/glow]

You can free up about 10 MB of RAM, apparently there is a substantial savings in battery


Works without side effects for I^speed[/glow]

Credit goes to fRoNfAvA  for this trick

do this to get best speed

Sometimes you need to wait many seconds until an application or a folder opens. This can be very annoying, especially in the gallery when you want to show some pictures or videos to your friends very quickly.Now there is a trick to make your S60 mobile phone faster,So let’s start with the tutorial:

01.) Change your phones’ date to the 01.05.2005

02.) Go to the calendar

03.) Now we need to create two new to-do’s (Options > New entry > To-do)

04.) These two to-do’s need to have the following information:

*1. To-do:

Subject: Speed

Due date: 04.08.2005

Priority: High

*2. To-do:

Subject: Qoukie

Due date: 04.08.2005

Priority: Low

05.) Confirm the both to-do notes with “Done”, but don’t close the calendar application.

06.) Choose: Options > To-do view

07.) Mark “Speed” as done, after that mark “Qoukie” as done.

08.) Now you can close the calendar.

09.) Change the phones’ date back to the actual day.

10.) Enjoy your faster device!  :D :D

when you restart got to calendar and to do notes then mark as udone and again mark as done

[glow=red,2,300]BUGS- There are no Bugs[/glow]




//////topic name edited as per forum rule-- navratn123


Posted Image [glow=red,2,300]SECTION:[/glow]

[glow=red,2,300]Core (V51.1.002):Click Here

I^Speed rofs2: Click Here[/glow]


Exclusive RAMBLOW PRO (asks password ,which is provided in rofs2 zip file)-HERE

Make memory boost on in RAMBLOW PRO

:D Exclusive QT Fix For All CFWs + Maps + Notification Related Apps Fixed Completely :D : HERE

Kinetic Scrolls - HERE

MEM check Touch: HERE

Exclusive RAM STAT widget -HERE


good and +1 chran for ur CFW .................... and +1 for share................ i hope many 5233 user attract to ur CFW...............wishing u all the best.......... so what is the free space in ram on startup..........


good and +1 chran for ur CFW .................... and +1 for share................ i hope many 5233 user attract to ur CFW...............wishing u all the best..........

thanku very much bro

in this whole forum only 4 are very good to me

i that u are the first


good and +1 chran for ur CFW .................... and +1 for share................ i hope many 5233 user attract to ur CFW...............wishing u all the best..........

so what is the free space in ram on startup..........

55+,i got 60+

  • 2 weeks later...

u can use sfr core in any n97 and c6 based cfw.......... already provided u.......

and u can't use navifirm core

the core for any n97 and c6 can be use to any cfw which are also based on n97 or c6?


big bro.. i found a bug in this cfw,, when i try to use my camera it says "unexpected error occured, restar phone then i restarted my phone but nothing happen still the error occured...  :sad:

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