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Belle HS Ported to S60v5 | Free Ram : 50 MB | GizmoLord Exclusive Project.

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Team PhoeniX Presents:


Nokia Belle shell port for s60v5 devices


We have scripted multiple methods for this project.

Maximum Average Free RAM obtained : 42MB - 50MB

Video Preview:


Credits To:

Team PhoeniX










Our Support for this project : Die2mrw007

The Belle Shell Developement is Going Here And Belle Shell v1.5 Released:-Here


  • Phone requires hacking (Apply Open4all patch fom Rompatcher and add it to Auto)
  • Backup your phone - We are not responsible for any loss of data because of your mistake
  • Please make sure that you install only Belle Shell v1 only and not the new v1.05.    The v1.05 will give bugs with the AIO pack which is mentioned in the below steps.  So please don't try v1.05 :)

New AIO pack 2 for both ofw and cfw to set belle shell as default hs (tested)

NOTE: This mod is not working well for n97 and n97 ports.  All attempts to fix this mod for n97 failed. Hence, you must either shift to c6/ofw(preferably blaze) .If you still want to use n97 , then you can try either version 1 (very slow) or other methods below(long and cumbersome)

All other s60v5 fw are working well with v2

This is a Gizmolord (forum.gizmolord.com) special release to set BELLE

HS AS DEFAULT in s60v5 devices  by Team phoenix. 


Credits To PNHT For Their Auto Installer.

  • Belle Shell developer ,Ilko Tsenov, for this wonderful app. New version coming soon.More info here
  • die2mrw007, for all his tutorials and most importantly providing this platform for releasing this mod
  • aeronliru for his true qt pack for rofs2,rofs3,core
  • lrajesh555,sajrockz and mayankgarg for testing the pack
  • Finally to me for putting this pack together :D

For newbies : please follow this flashing tutorial by die2mrw007 here and firmware editing tutorial by prayaas here before following the tutorial given below.


Download the package from links given below. Then,

For people using ofw structure rofs2 (i.e. those who have 45-50 mb total size of their rofs2)

  • put rofs2 files in your rofs2
  • Add your Belleshell.sis in pnht/c/ folder of your rofs2 and repack.
  • Then put open rofs3 and put rofs3 content in rofs3 and pack.
  • Flash with tick factory reset.

For people using repartioned structure rofs2 (i.e. those who have > 120 mb as total size of their rofs2)

  • put rofs2 files from the package in your rofs2
  • Add your Belleshell.sis in pnht/c/ folder of your rofs2
  • Then put rofs3 content in your rofs2 and pack your rofs2.
  • Flash with tick factory reset.


On your first boot ,first it will ask for your place , time etc. 

Please wait for 1 min and and then your phone will show that 3 apps installed successfully Then press okay and your phone will reboot.

On next boot first normal hs will come, then immediately after that belleshell will start

Don't press anything until belle shell appears

Known issues

  • Green key on pressing does not show the log


*Tested on c6 cfw by me successfully

*Tested on blaze ofw based cfw by lrajesh555,sajrockz

Download:(update 03.15 am; 14/03/2012)


click here


Click here

Other sites:

Click here


1)Can we reset our phones by *#7370# ?

A) Yes . With no problem :)

2)I want to use my fw hs and fw menu and terminate belle hs?

A) If you want to use your fw hs/menu,run menu from jbtasklist, and then close belle shell from jbaktaskman.

3)My rofs2 size exceeds the limit?

Use this tool and guide to reduce your rofs2 size : click here

and use this guide by die2mrw007  :D too : click here

Other Methods ( Specially For N97 Ported Users)

Method-1 :

Steps to set Belle Shell HS as default without Flashing UDA and without including QT in ROFS2

New and updated User Guide (by shivam94 with ankursmooth's tips)

1) Install QT Package, BelleShell, Dialer Pad , jbtaskman (tick autostart option during installation) on C:/ drive of your phone.

2) Open Jbtaskman app,  go to options, settings, program settings, and put cross against following options:

Show info panel

show menu

show desktop

show UID

show hidden apps

close w\o confirmation and press ok.

3) Again in jbtaskman, go to settings, key menu settings, and change the settings to screenshot1 shown below


4) Then go to ext settings of jbstask, and under Desktop UID change to 0x200393ce.

5) Now you should see all processes running in jbtask main window. Now click on Homescreen process, click on options, program rules and put cross across autostart on boot, Kill On Startup Save changes.  Now similarly click on menu process in jbtask main window and put cross across kill after boot.

6) Run belle shell on your phone. Now go to jbak taskman, select belle shell, go to options, settings,program rules and set to autostart.

7) Save changes and shut down your phone.

8) Extract Rofs2 by using NFEstd 0.3 Tool or Nokia Cooker (Recommended).

9) Download Replacehs app from Attachment. Extract the app via extsis and add to rofs2.

  • Open  Starter_Arm.rsc using Resedit  and Edit the line "Z:\sys\bin\ailaunch.exe" to your directory link you noted above in step 2 i.e. "z:\sys\bin\repla.exe". Click on options menu of resedit and save changes.
10) Open  Starter_non_critical.rsc using Resedit  and Edit the line "Z:\sys\bin\vcommandmanager.exe" TO "Z:\sys\bin\ailaunch.exe".Click on options menu of resedit

and save changes.

11) Repack rofs2 and flash phone WITHOUT UDA.

12) Now your phone will start with belle shell as default hs and without any network problem. now pressing menu key will show list of all installed apps on your phone. Also red key working successfully


  • Give your phone 2 minutes to load properly.  Don't open any app until then.
  • disable killme killing on autostart.
  • DON'T use *#7370#
  • after installing any app, the menu of belle shell does not refresh automatically, for that, go to  belle shell main screen and press the 1st button from right(i.e icon to right of dialer icon) and press exit belle shell. Then belle shell will automatically restart and with updated menu.
  • You can use all qt apps simultaneously without any problems.

  • To get more ram at startup. See my post:

7. To go back to default hs, use jbtaskman and terminate Belle Shell. Then Press Menu key and run homescreen(ailaunch.exe) Process.You will get back default hs.

8. Any doubts, pls reply at this thread.(credits to ankursmooth for recommending change)

For FAQ see here:

1) After installing app, menu doesnot update?

Ans:- For that long press middle button to show open apps,

Then long press on belle shell app icon , then you will get 2 options, 1.open, 2.exit.  Press exit.  The belle shell will close but automatically restart with menu updated.

2) Is there need to install dial pad ?

Ans:- Yes.  Without installing this .sis, dialer not opening via belle hs

3)Can I use *#7370# to reformat my phone?

Ans:- Then U have to Integrate QT and Belleshell hs into rofs2, and modify  Starter_Arm.rsc ,entry bilaunch to z:\sys\bin\bilaunch.exe. Save and then rename the belleshell.exe in rofs2\sys\bin to bilaunch.exe.  Follow The Following:

But If U dont Want To Format then U Dont need To Integrate QT and Shell In ROFS2 UDA.


Steps to set belle shell hs as default Without Flashing UDA and Without Including QT in ROFS2

For Those Who Wants Belle Shell Unterminable (Free RAM:45MB) And Faster Startup

1) Install QT, BelleShell, Dialer Pad on your phone  in C:/ drive.

2) Go To C:\sys\bin of your phone and rename Belleshell.exe to belle.exe.

NOTE:  Please note down the directory link properly i.e. C:\SYS\BIN\belleshell.exe

(This is important as everything is case sensitive in rsc file)

3) Extract Rofs2 by using nfestd or nokia cooker(Recommended).

4)Extract  ReplaceHS app New via Extsis and Add to Rofs2 ...

5) Open  Starter_Arm.rsc using Resedit and Edit the line "Z:\sys\bin\ailaunch.exe" to"C:\SYS\BIN\belle.exe."

6) Also Replace  Z:\sys\bin\matrixmenu.exe (for c6 ports) or  Z:\sys\bin\menu3.exe(for 5800 ofw) entry in Starter_arm.rsc OR starter_non_critical.rsc and change to Z:\sys\bin\repla.exe OR Z:\sys\bin\repla.exe. Then click Save and Then options Menu in resedit and click save.

7) Open  Starter_non_critical.rsc using Resedit  and Edit the line "Z:\sys\bin\vcommandmanager.exe" TO "Z:\sys\bin\ailaunch.exe".Click on options menu of resedit and save changes.

8) Save the changes and repack your Rofs2

9) Flash your rofs2 with JAF.

10) Your phone will start with Belle HS as Primary Homescreen.

11) You May Use a Red Key App And Jbak Intead Of Replace Hs. Then U may Skip Step (5)

FAQ:- Same As Above

NOTE: 1) Use killme/Jbak Taskmgr to terminate homescreen process.(ailaunch.exe)

2) For Menu Button:-

  • After installing jbak,Goto Jbak /Options/settings, key menu settings.
  • Then a window will open in jbak and the first op/ion under 'in system' category,  change to program list and press ok.
  • Now you will see list of installed apps with search bar below.

Note: The homescreen terminates and will not restart and thus saving 5 MB Ram.


1) After installing new apps, menu doesnot update?

Ans. For that long press middle button to show open apps, Then long press on belle shell app icon , then you will get 2 options, 1)open, 2) exit.  Press exit.  The belle shell will close but automatically restart with menu updated

2) Can I use *#7370# to reformat my phone?

Ans:- Ya, Sure.

The Common Step in All Methods:Open Starter_non_critical.rsc using Resedit and Edit the line Z:\sys\bin\vcommandmanager.exe" TO "Z:\sys\bin\ailaunch.exe". Click on options menu of resedit and save changes.

[Guide And Files]:

How to integrate Qt in Rofs2 and UDA. If you are flashing with UDA and Want to Integrate QT in ur CFW/OFW:

By mr_gourav2000 & die2mrw007

Here we Present QT in your Z drive or ROFS2:

Just try it and give your feedback.

Add to rofs2

Link: Click here

Softwares/Apps which are Needed To you for doing this:

1) SisContents: Click Here

2) Belle shell (by Ilko Tsenov): Purchase it from Here

3) Xplore or Filebrowser (Xplore Recommended).

4) Rompatcher with open4all patch enabled: Click Here

5) Nokia Cooker(by Il.Socio): Click Here

6) Resedit(by drakulaboy):- Click Here

7) QT in core by mr_gourav2000: Click Here

8) Replace HS New can be Integrated In .RSC: Click Here

9) Replace HS OLD if new not worked  Integrated in ROFS2 And .RSC: Click Here

10) JAF for flashing: Click Here

11) Dial Pad: Click Here

12) Nokia FW Cleaner: Click Here

13) Music bar: Click Here

14) Jbak Taskmsn: Click Here

After installing, go to options, tick (put cross) on:

show menu

show desktop

show hidden apps

show uid

close app without confirmation.

Finally press ok to save changes.

After doing this, you can terminate Homescreen (ailaunch.exe) process.

15) Nokia Core Files Editor: Click Here

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  On 17/2/2012 at 3:20 AM, pavan061994 said:

Hi....i tried out the new Belle shell.......its  amazing....but i have idea and tools that ....if we permanently replace hs with this one....

Modders are requested 2 suggest and try their best.....

Itz a Paid App,So Releasing any mod using it is Prohibited anyways It Requires Qt,To be able to run the belle Shell,U will need Qt integrated in the FW,Which I think is little difficult bcoz Itz around 15-20MB Qt pack,U need to delete every app to be able to add Belle Shell into FW,

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  On 17/2/2012 at 4:44 AM, Aryacooldude said:

Itz a Paid App,So Releasing any mod using it is Prohibited anyways It Requires Qt,To be able to run the belle Shell,U will need Qt integrated in the FW,Which I think is little difficult bcoz Itz around 15-20MB Qt pack,U need to delete every app to be able to add Belle Shell into FW,

ya i know and my rofs2 can be moded with qt pack.....and i will try 2 edit ailaunch.exe........but after 7 th march....due 2 exams.....bB

  On 17/2/2012 at 3:20 AM, pavan061994 said:

Hi....i tried out the new Belle shell.......its  amazing....but i have idea and tools that ....if we permanently replace hs with this one....

Modders are requested 2 suggest and try their best.....

We can try thinking of it after taking due permission by the creator....

N only X6 is possible for this app as QT is compulsory.....

and installation of QT (as mentioned by Arya) takes more than 15-20mb space...means 20mb space in ROFS2 :-O


  On 17/2/2012 at 7:32 AM, pavan061994 said:

I and my frnds have successfully...replaced hs of any cfw or ofw to Belle shell....as permanent........its gr8......and we r using it......and shortly.....all cfw will be got outdated due to ram prob...

Guys i will create ofw which have belle hs..........

Belle HS as default? :-O We dont have to run any app (Belle Shell) to use multiple HS..

It kinda confusing me now :-?


Every app can be integrated in the ROM.... and for here, I must say..its a paid app and releasing it via firmware would be illegal and you could face penalty for distributing it. You obviously could use it for personal use but sharing it is purely illegal owing to the fact that the app is not freeware to distribute. You will have to consult it with the app developer first :) And I must say, you did a great work :) +1


Its pretty easy... I could help you out if you wish, but for testing I cant do it as I dont have any phone with me. Edit the Starter_Arm.rsc with the starter value of whichever app u want to launch...here it is Belle shell (find the starter exe file of belle shell app) and replace the value of Z:\Resource\ailaunch.exe to the launch executable file of Belle shell Do integrate all the QT components to the ROM (including Ovi_notifications api)

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  On 17/2/2012 at 9:41 AM, Die2mrw007 said:

Its pretty easy... I could help you out if you wish, but for testing I cant do it as I dont have any phone with me.

Edit the Starter_Arm.rsc with the starter value of whichever app u want to launch...here it is Belle shell (find the starter exe file of belle shell app) and replace the value of Z:\Resource\ailaunch.exe to the launch executable file of Belle shell

Do integrate all the QT components to the ROM (including Ovi_notifications api)

thanks a lot..sir.....we have done it...but the prob is some bugs ....check ur pm sir...

  On 17/2/2012 at 9:41 AM, Die2mrw007 said:

Its pretty easy... I could help you out if you wish, but for testing I cant do it as I dont have any phone with me.

Edit the Starter_Arm.rsc with the starter value of whichever app u want to launch...here it is Belle shell (find the starter exe file of belle shell app) and replace the value of Z:\Resource\ailaunch.exe to the launch executable file of Belle shell

Do integrate all the QT components to the ROM (including Ovi_notifications api)

But after that too it will b just work as an app :(

Need to talk to you about this...


  On 17/2/2012 at 7:20 AM, Xtreme.Infinity said:

We can try thinking of it after taking due permission by the creator....

N only X6 is possible for this app as QT is compulsory.....

and installation of QT (as mentioned by Arya) takes more than 15-20mb space...means 20mb space in ROFS2 :-O

wait you are wrong I have nokia 5800 and have QT integrated in core and also functioning fully with above mentioned bugs.....

Guyz me just sent a message to app creater to break his app into two parts one menu and other homescreen, so that we will also be able to replace menu3...

Ofcourse also asking to grant permissions for our project...


Steps to set belle shell hs as default 1) Install qt,belleshell, and the app by ngoanrazor( www.4shared.com/mobile/3MXtroMt/replaceHs_unsigned.html ) on your phone  in c drive. 2)go to C:\sys\bin of your phone and rename Belleshell.exe to bilaunch.exe. NOTE:  please note down the directory link properly i.e. C:\SYS\BIN\belleshell.exe (This is important as everything is case sensitive in rsc file).  for some it maybe c:\sys\bin\belleshell.exe 3) Open your rofs2 and search for starter_arm.rsc inrofs2/resource 4) open  starter_arm.rsc using resedit and edit the line Z:\sys\bin\ailaunch.exe to your location of bilaunch.exe i.e in my case it is C:\SYS\BIN\bilaunch.exe. 5) go to rofs2\sys\bin\ and delete ailaunch.exe 6) Open notepad and save empty file as ailaunch.exe in rofs2\sys\bin 7) Save the changes and repack your rofs2 8) Flash your rofs2 with JAF IMPORTANT:  Please don't flash your uda of your fw.,else your phone won't boot. 9) your phone will start with belle shell as primary hs.


  On 18/2/2012 at 6:05 AM, shivam94 said:

Bugs currently faced:

1) dialer not working

2)network not coming after rebooting

3)physical slider not functioning properly

4)restart option not functioning properly

1) dialer not working                                              solution: use third party dialer software or ask someone to develop it will be good to get belle interface in dialer also

2)network not coming after rebooting                    main bug

3)physical slider not functioning properly                minor bug

4)restart option not functioning properly              solution: just remove restart option from the firmware I don't think restart option is any important, this will make sure user do not click it accidently

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  On 18/2/2012 at 6:09 AM, devilking said:

1) dialer not working                                              solution: use third party dialer software or ask someone to develop it will be good to get belle interface in dialer also

2)network not coming after rebooting                    main bug

3)physical slider not functioning properly                minor bug

4)restart option not functioning properly              solution: just remove restart option from the firmware I don't think restart option is any important, this will make sure user do not click it accidently

i have invited all modders....they will be shortly at this....
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  On 18/2/2012 at 6:02 AM, devilking said:

wait you are wrong I have nokia 5800 and have QT integrated in core and also functioning fully with above mentioned bugs.....

Guyz me just sent a message to app creater to break his app into two parts one menu and other homescreen, so that we will also be able to replace menu3...

Ofcourse also asking to grant permissions for our project...

+1 to u

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