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  1. Started by kiran07,

    I am trying to convert a HTML page to PDF using Expert PDF. I have used Add Image html method to do that. It is working. My requirement is that to get the values dynamically. How can I pass the values from my dataset to HTML. Could anyone resolve my problem? For more details about this converter you can refer their site and please help me http://www.html-to-pdf.net/

    • 0 replies
  2. i need coding of login / logout page in simple asp verifying username and password with MS databae if user enters nothing in username and password field or user types incorrect password and username and clicks login it should say check username and password thnx in advance its very urgent

  3. Started by CrackUC,

    First thing CSS programming..!! CSS refers too cascading style sheets....what are they..? they are the files with .css extension they contain colour font size script atc.. they are prepared seperately ..we just give link of that file in the html file...why do we need them? ANSWER:coz every time mentioning the same colour and same font and same script is difficult for programmers to type and this is not the only reason when he wants to change the whole look of his website he has to edit a lot of files so simply editng one file is an easier way for him... so here goes the codding for it.. PROCEDURE: open notepad p {color: blue} h1 {color :white;text-align: center} p {fon…

  4. Ive not a clue how to do it and id rather not implement jscript into it. code is this <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"><style type="text/css"> <!-- body { background-color: #000; } --> </style><body> <title>Allstar Social</ <iframe src="http://m.facebook.com"></iframe> <blockquote> <blockquote> </blockquote> </blockquote> <iframe src="http://m.twitter.com"></iframe> </head> </BODY> </HTML> Thats not the latest version tho…

    • 2 replies
  5. Started by Aryacooldude,

    Q:-What is jQuery Mobile? Ans:-A unified, HTML5-based user interface system for all popular mobile device platforms, built on the rock-solid jQuery and jQuery UI foundation. Its lightweight code is built with progressive enhancement, and has a flexible, easily themeable design. Q:-How is it better? Ans: - Lightweight size and minimal image dependencies for speed.Compatible with all major mobile, tablet, e-reader & desktop platforms - iOS, Android, Blackberry, Palm WebOS, Nokia/Symbian, Windows Phone 7, MeeGo, Opera Mobile/Mini, Firefox Mobile, Kindle, Nook, and all modern browsers with graded levels of support.Progressive enhancement approach brings core conte…

    • 2 replies
  6. Started by CrackUC,

    I was revising and spinning my hand in dhtml...i found some dificulties someone answer these... 1.when i was making a form and the password feild i hide the actual letters by black dots and the problem is i made 2 coloumns 1 password and second confirm password.... but the process how to make a source like that they actually indeed check each other so that they are same or not... 2..then if the pass aren't matching then hw to display that text above the box they aren't same??? 3..if i make a restriction thatpass should be nt less than 5 letters ..then for that plz write a script VB based..! 4.if i make a list in drop down menu i added many things bt the user would be…

    • 5 replies
  7. An HTML Beginners Guide eBook http://forum.gizmolord.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=1644.0;attach=8028 A simple and understandable book for Newbies. 3831_.zip

  8. TEXT/FONTS, LINKS, IMAGES - ADDING CONTENT TO YOUR HTML PAGES A Webpage is created in order to deliver some specific content; in this respect, you will need to understand what kind of content you are able to publish on a webpage and what are the methods to use. TEXT/FONTS, LINKS, IMAGES - DIFFERENT KINDS OF CONTENT A webpage can contain text, links (also called URLs), images, videos ... each kind of content will be inserted in a different way (using different tags) in order to be recognized by the web browsers. Below, we will deal with the main categories of web content. TEXT/FONTS, LINKS, IMAGES - ADDING SOME TEXT TO YOUR HTML PAGE You can insert text anyw…

  9. Started by Die2mrw007,

    STRUCTURE OF HTML FILES - GENERAL PRESENTATION An HTML file must begin with the tag <html> and end with the tag </html>. For the purpose of this tutorial (and the following ones), we will be working on the same example as before (our HTML file page.html). Remember that you will be using Notepad in order to modify the HTML code and that you will be visualizing the webpage using your favorite browser. A typical HTML file is composed of two different parts, namely the header and the body. These two parts play a very intuitive role: the header of a HTML page is there to contain basic information about the file: its document type, its title, the basic…

    • 1 reply
  10. BLOCKS, PARAGRAPHS, LISTS, TABLES - INSERTING TABLES IN HTML FILES HTML gives you the possibility to insert 2-dimensional tables (that is to say tables with rows and columns). The best way for you to understand how to create HTML tables is still to have a look at a practical example: HTML code: Output in the web browser: Remarks: An HTML table is created with the tags <table> and </table> An HTML table can be given a caption with the tags <caption> and </caption>. A row is created with the tags <tr> and </tr>, and columns can be created within these rows with the tags <td> and </td>. The attribute b…

  11. Started by Die2mrw007,

    DEFINITION HTML stands for "Hypertext Markup Language"; it is a language which allows you to encode the information of your webpage so that it can be interpreted by the browser of your visitors (thus making it possible for them to visualize the content of your website). Many web browsers coexist today (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, ...) and HTML is a common language which makes it possible for everyone to obtain the same visual presentation of a webpage (this is just in theory, since different browsers will unfortunately support various features a little differently). HTML FILES HTML files end with the extension .html (which might seem obvi…