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S60v3 Modding

  1. This navigation bar has been created by me. Hope you will enjoy... Note:- Your device must be hacked.To make this work use provided font which contains almost all symbols and logos.Have Fun... Tutorial:- ?? Copy menu2.r01 to C:/Resources/Apps/ Copy Scshortcut.r01 to C:/Resources/ Use Font Android in font router app.Extreme navigation.zip

  2. this ia a modded golden python by me & works on all cfw & ofw symbian v3 v5 ^1 ^3 ^4 anna belle.... dont need to download any other python libraries , patches etc ...this package contains all of them ...now download any python dependent apps or games & they'll definitely work.. note : be sure u dont have any python libs etc embedded in the cfw or this wont install as embedded apps are read only (in rom) ....enjoyyyyy... download links : link 1 : http://adf.ly/PA6xr link 2 : http://adf.ly/PA74Q if anyone has any problems with downloading or installing plzzz reply..

    • 2 replies
  3. Started by matthewkuhl,

    Okay, this is nothing new for the S60V5 crowd, but you can use the same principal to get theme effects of your S60V3 device. You have to have a hacked phone, ROMPatcher+ and C2Z. First, extract the attached zip archive and copy Resource to C:\ If you do not already have a C2Z patch, use the sis to make one and move the patch to your Patches folder. Extract one of the three included default hidden Nokia effects archives to C:\Resource\ (just the effects folder) Apply C2Z and enjoy. You can use any set of V5 custom theme effects using this method, too. To change theme effects you will have to disable effects first, replace them, and then turn them back on again. htt…

  4. Hi every one,here is cfw for c5-00.2 5mp created by longdaigia and modified by SHAHaB so i was so glad to share with all of you.plz post your comments and happy flashing ;) Nokia C5-00.2(5mp)modified by Shahab (RM-745: v101.003) change log: 1.Phone memory hasbeen extended to 109 MB 2.Permanent Hack+Rompatcher with Auto 3.Java permission hacked 4.My Color Ball (FP2) Theme is set to auto 5.Startup tone changed to that of Win7. Startup animation,Shutdown animation and shutdown tone added. 6.additional menu views added- 3x2,3x3,3x5,3x6,4x2,4x4,4x5,4x6,5x2 and 5x3. 7.system folders are visible in Filemanager. 8.Filemanager can send all type of files …

  5. Started by jitubhai,

    FP1 models bring up the memory card status icon in the upper right corner. [Tutorial] 1. Apply the patch 'Open4All' and add it to auto. 2. Open X-plore, go to C:\Private\10202be9\101F8764.txt 3. Press I or edit the .txt file by pressing option>File>Edit 4. Change the line 0x1 int 137 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = alwaysfail to 0x1 int 1427 0 cap_rd = alwayspass cap_wr = alwaysfail 5. Save and reboot the device. NOTE: - If you are unable to find '101F8764.txt' in C:\Private\10202be9\ Then copy the same (101F8764.txt) from Z:\Private\10202be9\ to C:\Private\10202be9\ And uncheck its attribute 'read-only' now you can edit. The icon is with t…

    • 3 replies
  6. .Here is a trick to free up your s60v3 phone memory C: by 5MB... .... N0kia C5-00 Users 19mb free space 0btained

    • 5 replies
  7. ??? [H0T] C00l l0g0s In ur s60 ph0ne+fontz00mer by Dmedal!0n???

    • 3 replies
  8. How To Customize/Generate Your-0wn Watermark Design 0n Mobile-( Image Designer ) Dmedalion

    • 4 replies
  9. Welc0me Back Again Sorry for the delay of dr0ping this tut0rial to those wh0 requested f0r it a l0ng time ag0.. .. N0t chanced lately and a bit lazy to type/create tutorial writeups as usual.. .. About the Tutorial i believe we all know what templates Are, when it comes to image Designer its pretty cool and one of the best t00ls to me for perf0rming s0me mini m0bile designs just like Ph0tosh0p 0n PC .. [*]We do try to design some stuffs and thinking abt croping them with the laser tool to paste on the image to be edited,after croping and pasting,we may need it later, so with this tutorial... U'v just Got to Get down and Run s0me knockles 0n I.D .. hehehe..let…

    • 4 replies
  10. [TUT+SCREENSH0T] H0w T0 Use/Apply F0nts Using F0ntR0UTER (Newbies)

  11. [Tut] Generate Screensh0t with Platform/User Signature ... Breaking this down 4 us all 2 undastand .. If u cant use i.Designer.sis , Photoshop.jar or Propaint mobile.jar .. Am s0ri u have t0 learn

    • 4 replies
  12. Started by rahulgomle,

    I want To Flash Nokia E63 can any help me .....can any 1 give me flashing tutorial for dat....

  13. Started by NikShiP,

    http://forum.gizmolord.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=107.0;attach=200 YOUR PHONE MUST BE HACKED BEFORE DOING THIS AND MUST HAVE X-PLORE AND ROMPATCHER... Rename .sis to .zip In the folder only copy ExtendMenuGrid.rmp to E:/ patches (you can do this in file mgr. in ofice) Move the folder 10207254 to C:/ private/10207254/ (do this by using x-plore) (this will overwrite some of the default files , don't e scared) Move menugrid.rmp to E:/patches Open rompatcher and apply ExtendMenuGrid patch Click Options and add to auto Restart the phone if needed or go to menu , Options and click change menu view (if u hav done it right you'll see 2 new selections in it name…

    • 17 replies