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Fuzion S^3 ULTIMA EDITION 5800 RM-356 v60.0.003 Special to Symbianize Modders, DM, PNHT and to the whole CFW makers and users Change Logs: April 8, 2012 Tentative Change Logs credits to ash0103 for his mods 1. WLAN Probe Request rate is set to 2mbps from 1mpbs 2. Buffer Time decreased when scrolling 3. Scrolling on list is made faster 4. Pop-up fade-in and fade-out time is made 20% faster 5. Pop-up slide-in and slide-out time is also made 20% faster 6. List looping is enabled 7. Nokia 808 Default Tones 8. Default Date Changed to April 08, 2012 9. Still Looking fo a good theme effects 10. I will make a new themes 11. New Fonts Samsung Star credits to nevar27



5800 RM-356 v60.0.003

Special to Symbianize Modders, DM, PNHT and to the whole CFW makers and users

Change Logs:

April 8, 2012

Tentative Change Logs

credits to ash0103 for his mods

1. WLAN Probe Request rate is set to 2mbps from 1mpbs

2. Buffer Time decreased when scrolling

3. Scrolling on list is made faster

4. Pop-up fade-in and fade-out time is made 20% faster

5. Pop-up slide-in and slide-out time is also made 20% faster

6. List looping is enabled

7. Nokia 808 Default Tones

8. Default Date Changed to April 08, 2012

9. Still Looking fo a good theme effects

10. I will make a new themes

11. New Fonts Samsung Star credits to nevar27

pls upload this font ..its awesome
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Hi Found this on some other site hope it helps you... PS i attached the font i found here but noticed it is a .sisx file so maybe they have made an easy installer... I have not tested this ok. Top rated original samsung star font ttf format enjoy on nokia mobiles.. To change your mobile font using software like font zoomer,font router,etc.. OR manually change your mobile font without software. example Here is the step to change your Nokia 5230 font: Step 1. Open X-plore, go to configuration menu and tick “show hidden files and system folders” option. Step 2. Go to z:/resource/fonts folder and write down all file names on that folder (different firmware is using different file names too, my own is (S60snr.ttf, S60ssb.ttf,S60tsb and S60ZDIGI.ttf)). Step 3.download my attached file and change extension to zip Step 4.unzip and Make a four copy of samsung font and rename it as you found on step 2 (four copies S60snr.ttf, S60ssb.ttf,S60tsb and S60ZDIGI.ttf). Step 5. Go to e:/resource (memory card) and make a new folder called “Fonts”. Step 6.Move into that e:/resource/fonts/ S60snr.ttf, S60ssb.ttf,S60tsb and S60ZDIGI.ttf). Step 7. Restart your phone and you have the font changed! .. enjoy


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@Die2mrw007 i have been flashing my poor 5800 for the last year and A half with every released CFW i could get, then i stumbled upon cfw called code:shadow 1.5 that was like the most well put together firmware i have flashed my phone with. Following that the next few months everybody started using that firmware as the base for there own cfw, dont get me wrong i flashed with n97v cfw and all the others but most of the firmware that comes from symbianze has some part of code:shadow firmware in it and that firmware just works well. I still flash with new released firmware from dailymobile and test.. But to answer your question bout me using this new updated version of fusion by kandango  ... Hell yes i am.. I just add a few tweaks to the firmware that makes it more personal for myself and then wait for the next release from that forum. B) >)B)  Bottom line this cfw is very very well put together and works smoothly with no problems... I give my thumbs up to this firmware.

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