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Installing wordpress or any other blog software via manual way.


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Heloo i'll teach you today how to install wordpress or any other blogging software manual way..

Things needed:

A web host

A domain

Forum/blog software files..


1. First you should have entered correct name servers of your web host in your domain set up..

Like in my case nameservers for x10 hosting are as follows..



Posted Image

Note:Name servers are different in every web host so don't enter same as me..

Next step,

2. Access cpanel of your webhost.

[img width=770 height=410] accessspanel.png

3. GO to any file manager you have in your webhost.

[img width=549 height=420] filemanager.png

4. Open Public_HTml folder.

5. YOu should have zip file of the software you uploading like in my case wordpress.

6. Click on upload..(be sure you upload all files to Public_Html folder

[img width=601 height=420] upload.png

[img width=604 height=420] Capture-1.png

7. After the upload of the software

it would be like

[img width=601 height=420] WPfiles.png

(its in my case your files would be different for different softwares..)

Again go to cpanel of your web host..

8. Now Go to MySql database

[img width=770 height=363] Mysqldatabasewizard.png

9. SEt up a database its SImple..

10. Enter the name of the database its user and password..

11. Database would be ready for use instalntly..

[img width=770 height=330] databaseuserandname.png

12. AFter all you have done your work Go to your website and you will see a installation page.(wordpress in my case)

[img width=662 height=420] domain.png

13. Enter database name

Database username

and database password

and Host too..

[img width=613 height=420] databaseinfo.png

Note: all user name and password would be what you have entered in MySql database setup.

now your website would be ready to use...

Hope you liked the tutorial i created best i can..If still having doubts let me know in comments..below..

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