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LinsPirat LTS Rev2! by tintinboss |Nokia 5233|5230|5800|X6(FIXED 24/03/12!)

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"26 Jan - Released for RM-625(Nokia 5233).


-- Huge Performance Upgrade

-- QT Integrated

-- LinsPirat Music Theme Reworked

-- LinsPirat Plus Pack added with download. Contains All previous LinsPirat Themes and Wallpapers + Working latest Ovi Store :)

-- New Never seen before Sparkling swipe to answer and new Swipe to Unlock

-- Camera Hardware key fixed

-- Smoother KS

I removed the 66mb startup ram because it fluctuates a lot :P Let you see and feel how much IT IS :)

HellO Dear mates and FFs (Frequent Flashers :D ):)

Tintin here again  <:-P

Introducing the "Long Term Support" version of my CFW "LinsPirat v1.0". Hope you like it :)

"LinsPirat LTS" is by no means a replacing version of "LinsPirat v1.0". Simply because they taste different.

So, here it is, I want to share you "what I had in mind while developing this" :

"LinsPirat LTS" is unlike "LinsPirat v1.0" - a more professional and sober looking OS. You can say - a fat-less LinsPirat :D . I tried to achieve a state where you feel different using your very known Nokia Device. Don't know if I failed or achieved tiny bit of success.

As with LinsPirat v1.0 Designed by me all the way (Surely grabbing ideas from here and there and combining my tastes). Own resources and vector arts. With LinsPirat LTS feel a more sophisticated and eye friendly UI.

Posted Image

Before you give it a go :)

This's not any elementary work either.

Build upon and with ideas and even files from great mods and CFWs (view credits).

Before I tell anything more,

- THIS CFW is based on C6v41 Fresh Port by Die2mrw007.


-- LinsPirat LTS Rev2 is a reworked and re-visioned version of LinsPirat LTS.


I personally feel that we're not Nokia Guys to build something Individually neither am I professional in making CFWs or charge for them. It's part of fun and hobby. Also the culture's been exploring all the available mods and exclusive inclusions in CFWs and making a good combination to make something tasteful for the flashers around us. So it'd be nice if everyone takes it that way.

Also, I don't crave for credits.

If I like anything- that is appreciation from friends.

I like to give my CFW's a fascinating and professional name :D That somehow gives me a feeling that I'm doing something BIG lol :)

Therefore I've added some "COPYLEFT" text in my cfw which reads -

"CopyLeft : tintinboss for LinsPirat LTS

//Anyone is permitted to rework on LinsPirat LTS CFW but please don't use the themes and interface resources...

//I'd be glad if you just mail me your new work link at [email protected]"

So that I may flash my phone with your CFW once.

Hope everyone gets my point.

Special thanks to

Die2mrw007 from Gizmolord for helping a lot every now and then and supporting me in critical moments... Really great to be with you people :D.

And Shashwat, thanks mate for everything :)

And Nikship, thanks for sharing with great style and helping in the threads :)

Xtreme.Infinity - Thanks a lot for being with me and for having good patience :) Also thanks  for ports to other RMs :D Also, finished the hard work of creating packs for future ports :)

Ivcha90 - A superfast and smart porter. Ported all RMs for LinsPirat LTS Rev2. I'm really grateful for his wonderful commitment and great cooperation! A big thanks to him.

--LinsPirat LTS Music Theme was created by editing Mayank's WP7 DI theme. All credits to him.

Criticisms are welcome and again, I DONT mind to give credits to those who really deserves. So if I missed anyone in the list, please let me know :) I'll gladly add.

Whats in it ? :

-- Fast and colorful .

-- NEW! LinsPirat LTS (Music) Theme!

-- NEW! LinsPirat LTS (Music) Walls.

-- NEW! LinsPirat LTS theme.

-- NEW! 5 LinsPirat Ringers (Personally edited from fav tunes).

-- LinsPirat v1 theme Revamped (will be available for autoinstaller).

-- New! LinsPirat HD walls.

-- Music Player Supporting Karaoke with any .lrc (15.2 default).

-- NEW! -- Windows Phone 7 Giant font minified by me! (Have a plan to release giant version in future.)

--  New and reworked ANIMATED LinsPirat LTS bootscreen (mbm file for smooth animation).

-- LinsPirat v1 Theme included - (colorful and with anna pop icons)

--5 Extra equalizer presets.

-- Sparkling swipe to unlock.

-- Common good apps cooked within CFW.

-- Rompatcher with proven patches.

-- All Belle Related bugs fixed (Belle symbol in music player updating library.)

--Effects : Customized and mixed theme effects.

-- Tintin's Iconpack preview in accelswitch and phonerotate icons :)

ABOUT MEDIABAR : Please read:

The accel swith icon is not for accel switch. Rather it will rotate your screen permanently until you press that again ( WORKS ONLY WHEN SENSOR IS OFF - LOGICAL right?). I felt that we actually need that kinda rotation while browsing the web (lying on bed) or reading a PDF.

HOWEVER - Accel switch is integrated.

FOR ANY TECHNICAL QUERY, JUST contact google team. I requested Larry Page and Sergey Brin (soul mates :P) to provide you with all the information and make your phone bullet fast (choking hazard) :D

(No pun intended)

Installation Notes:

If you hard reset or factory set your device, please flash again to get the 5 new equalizer preset AND OVI MAPS.

--Use provided UDA (Otherwise you wont get 5 equalizer presets).

--Use v51 core for RM-625 by binh24

--Format memory card from within phone before you give it a go.

--Restart device after first boot.

-- Again, u must use the UDA and must not factory reset if you want OVI MAPS and 5 Equalizers

Thats it.


--For document reading - Piscel Smart office

--RAM management - Ramblow

--Junk files cleaner - x-clear (Python 2.2 needed).

Tips :

Install OPERA MINI in C:\ Drive (wont crash :))

Credits :

PNHT Team,



mara ,


dan-av ,

Szakalit ,





Mayank (For his fabulous WP7 theme! (Edited by me to suit my CFW))



Allstar123 (some KML files taken from theme effects created by him :) ur awesome mate!)



Rawand Kurdy,


Aki07 (For porting LinsPirat LTS rev2.1 to RM559 using N97 base!)

Neutron v12 team (Abhitheracer and Gaurav619) for the mediabar (I edited using Newcooller's mediabar editor tool ).

Raman (for helping with V60 core version of RM356)

SPECIAL THANKS TO Xtreme.Infinity for doing fabulous job and hardwork in Porting the CFW to other RMs! Thanks my little brother :)

A BIG THANKS TO Tristar2 for Porting the CFW RM559 and testing it too! You are always special to have in the LinsPirat Projects! A reliable arrow in the arsenal to say the least! :-bd

Thanks to Parasavaitor for not only beta testing, but analyzing like a professional and suggesting a lot of things :) Thanks bro :)

A BIG THANKS TO Ivcha90  for Porting LinsPirat LTS Rev2 to other variants :) Thanks a lot!!!

Thanks to Saminder for helping to sort out issues and also to solve them!

Thanks to Aki07 for his hard work in making LinsPirat LTS Special Edition using N97v30 as base!!! Really gr8 bro! Thumbs up! :-bd

and all good modder friends :)

Posted ImageDownload LinsPirat Plus pack full! (Seperate download. Included in most rev2.1 packs)

LinsPirat Final Plus.7z

Posted ImageDownload for RM625  (LinsPirat LTS Rev2.1 !!!) UPDATED 24/3/2012

Mediafire Link (LinsPirat LTS Rev2 !!!) UPDATED (24/03/2012)


Password for LinsPirat Plus Pack is "tintinboss2012" without quotes :)

Posted ImageDownload for RM588 (5230)  (LinsPirat LTS Rev2.1 !!!) - 12-04-2012

Mediafire Link (LinsPirat LTS Rev2.1 !!!) UPDATED


Password for LinsPirat Plus Pack is "tintinboss2012" without quotes :)

Posted ImageDownload for RM356  (LinsPirat LTS Rev2.1 !!!)  (Final Fixed!)

LTS rev2.1 RM-356 v52.rar

Password for LinsPirat Plus Pack is "tintinboss2012" without quotes

Posted ImageDownload for RM428  (LinsPirat LTS Rev2 !!!)  (Final Fixed!)

LTS rev2 RM-428 v51.2.007.rar

Password for LinsPirat Plus Pack is "tintinboss2012"

Posted ImageDownload for RM559 (X6) (LinsPirat LTS Rev2 !!!)

Linspirat_LTS_Rev2_RM559_Final Fixed_with Plus.7z

Posted ImageDownload for RM559 (X6) (LinsPirat LTS SPECIAL EDITION (N97 PORT )  BY Aki07

Linspirat SE.rar

Disclaimer : This version was ported by Aki07, a gr8 friend! , using N97 Port. Is identical to the above original port (C6v41) !

FOR LinsPirat SE N97 port for RM559 and any other facing problem with installing JAVA apps! :

Download and install this on MMC


While installing click VIEW DETAIL and select location to "Memory Card". Thats it!

Caution: Don't try to repack it within CFW. That wont work!

Posted ImageDownload for RM504 (5530) (LinsPirat LTS Rev2.1 !!!)  ("BETA")

LTS rev2.1 RM-504 V32.0.007.rar

Password for LinsPirat Plus Pack is "tintinboss2012"

FIX FOR VIBRATION NOT WORKING (Fixed in Rev2.1 versions ) :

Vibration Fix.zip

Download the attachment and extract

Copy the Private Folder inside it

Open the LinsPirat LTS rev2 ROFS2 using NFESTD

Browse the extracted ROFS2

Paste the Private folder u copied.

Replace existing file when prompted.

Reload from HDD in NFESTD


Delete the original ROFS2 and Rename the Rebuild ROFS2

Flash with it! :)

!!! IMPORTANT !!!  FAQ and Known Issues

Q: I want the complete feature list before trying this!

A: Nothing special. I'd love you to check it out urself!

Q: Will LinsPirat make my phone faster? If not then why use it?

A: I'm not sure if it will. Depends on what u had before :) You're using it just because u can't resist flashing with a new CFW perhaps!

Q : I can't install killme app!

A: It's already there mate! Just press '0' on dialer to bring it up!

Q: Why I can't install the Ovi Maps 3.06? And what about the 5 Equalizer presets?

A: The problem installing Ovi Maps 3.06 (error:File not found ) is common among all CFWs. I don't know whats the issue. The compatible Ovi Maps (From C6v42 ) and the Equalizer presets are cooked within the UDA (the uda.fpsx file ). So you must flash with the UDA to get them!

Q: I love Tsunami and Omnia Live HS! But I cant use them here!

A: Please use any S^1 OFW based CFW. It's not possible to use them with C6/N97 OFW based CFW.

Q:  I can't input symbols in Full screen QWERTY!

There's a option button beside the "AB" Button. Click on that and then click "insert symbol".

Q:  I can't install QT!!! It shows component built in error!!!

A: Absolutely right :) QT is built in the CFW! Just install QT apps and chill mate !

Q:So you created this? Man you're a genious programmer! Why Nokia guys don't hire you!?

A: LOL, I did nothing really (not joke :| ). It's just a collection and combination of good mods and tweaks done by many good modders listed in the credits and me. Hmm Nokia should have a good counseling session with them!

Q: You all are liars! I'm not getting 65 mb startup ram! Also, the CFW sucks :S

A: Sorry mate. It happens ... Choose the one suitable for you from here:  Custom Firmware Releases

Video :[Courtesy : Raman] : Thanks mate :)


Here is an additional pack with

-- RADIO (Only for RM356 as all others have it)

-- Message Reader (For all except RM559 and if you want Listen Feature in Dictionary)

-- Voice Commands (Optional)

Thanks :)





























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but dude

It'll be better if it'll b in that thread

coz users drag to those threads which r big

I'll remove all the previous content n pics n links

Everything will b new, dont worry.. :)

Not that mate... LinsPirat v1 is not cancelled because of LinsPirat LTS. They are simply different CFW. This one's not BELLE, but LinsPirat is. And other mods... you'll see.


Not that mate... LinsPirat v1 is not cancelled because of LinsPirat LTS. They are simply different CFW. This one's not BELLE, but LinsPirat is. And other mods... you'll see.


just check the thread at DM

If u r not satisfied wid it

I'll create new one

But i'll advice u to release it in that thread only

My experience wid forums can easily feel what i'm saying.. ;)



just check the thread at DM

If u r not satisfied wid it

I'll create new one

But i'll advice u to release it in that thread only

My experience wid forums can easily feel what i'm saying.. ;)

Dont delete it...do the same as I did for Krystal thread..... copy the fist page content to last page

then update the 1st post with this cfw and then provide a link in the 1st post itself regarding the previous release :)

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