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Nokia 5800|5530 - RM-356|RM-504 - V60 & V40 - New Core Released - By Binh

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Both These Cores Support C6V41 & N97V30 Rofs2

Enjoy  <:-P

Change logs:

Symbian Anna Browser v7.3.1.33

New Swipe to unlock

Gives a better overall browsing experience

Old Nokia Maps 3.04

Supports International Domain Names (IDNs)

Supports non-ASCII letters such as Arabic or Chinese

Various improvements

Both Cores are Re-Partitoned

Rm-356 Core (V60)  For 5800


Original V60 Rofs2 For 5800


RM-504 Core (V40) for 5530 (UPDATED & Fixed)


Original Rofs2 for 5530


Mediafire Links uploaded By Mara:-

Rm-356 Core (V60)  For 5800


Original V60 Rofs2 For 5800


RM-504 Core (V40) for 5530


Original Rofs2 for 5530


Remember to give credits to Binh


While flashing if you are experiencing error with any other rofs2 along with these cores, Try through JAF to FLASH !!!


RM-504 Core (V40) for 5530


Original Rofs2 for 5530


can i flash with the above files in the above two links....

will i  be able to use krsytal 1.5 after that

i am afraid it will be a downgrade unless die2mrw makes it for v40 itself so ou will not be able to use krystal 1.5

all cfws available currently are for v32 so i am not upgrading atleast till fws get ported


i dont think i need to use cfw now.. i have got latest browser and swipe to unlock and as this is ofw . so no bugs yipee i am not interested in hs widgets +100 to binh for giving files and btw die said that his cfw is not ofw based... so it doesnt matter if it is v32 or v40...


can i use v40 core to flash cfws which were written for RM 504 v32 ?

or simply can i install ofw v 40 on my handset and then back photon krystal symbian anna etc ?

u should empty rofs of v40 provided here

than add the cfw files to that rofs

and repack

rename it as v01 from v05

and enjoy

  • 2 weeks later...

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