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hello guys some good news almost got the dual boot

its not messing with the boot loader but the backup

i was using skyfire redifined i wanted to backup contatcs so i did backup of all files and for my surprse

the profile skyfire was changed to equillbrim (my old cfw)

then the menu which was 4x4 was changed even the icons

the cfw details something *#00000#* was also changed some performance mods too

so if you are modifying or using it mention credits to me


you can find me in the above links

if u really like my work like this http://www.facebook.com/coolnmad

please mention credits to me if u are gonna use this anywhere

my idea is that if anyone can port all the mods to work on e2z patch the dual boot will be 100percent success

also we will need to store 2 backups in mobile to switch between cfw

i actually got my skyfire back by hard reset



watch here in better quality : -


What i did Was

first i flashed with equilbrim

than i backuped everything

than flashed with skyfire redefined

than u can see skyfire

than go to backup and restore everything you can see the icons changed and more things changed

for eample the profile from SKYFIRE to EQUILLBRIM

please mention credits if u are using it

NOTE:- DO *#7370# to get back old CFW

mention credits if you are posting it in other forums

you should mention that : -    All the credits goes to Charan12999


good trick................. but it'll cause some bugs...........in cfw if u hard reset it.............and cracking a boot loader is impossible yet (May be in future)....................... if u need any help then ask.............ur question...........


good trick................. but it'll cause some bugs...........in cfw if u hard reset it.............and cracking a boot loader is impossible yet (May be in future).......................

if u need any help then ask.............ur question...........

thank u i will surely ask u if i need help

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