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Centre Text Mod by Dan-Av And OPERATOR_555

The file responsibe for centre text mod is 10283389.dll

Try to apply the patch attached below to your dll and see if it works(have a backup of that dll bro).


1. Put 10283389.dll from firmware in this folder.

2. Launch unpack.bat

3. Launch Keys^3 for C6-00 FW V 40.0.021.exe and Press "Start" button.

4. Launch pack.bat

5. Copy moded 10283389.dll and peninputgenericvkb.dll in ROFS2/sys/bin/ . Repack firmware and flash

ALL Credit To Dan-Av And OPERATOR_555


I personally suggest you use belle navibar by n0tr3v3 with centre text. it is very good bro.  Will provide the link shortly

Edit:  As promised Links below


Belle Navibar mod by n0tr3v3


Die2morow C6 v41 Ported Belle Nav Keys Final Refresh Mod by n0tr3v3

Mara C6 v41 Ported Belle Nav Keys Final Refresh Mod by n0tr3v3

Binh24 C6 v41 Ported Belle Nav Keys Final Refresh Mod by n0tr3v3

Binh24 n97 Mini Ported Belle Nav Keys Final Refresh Mod by n0tr3v3

Download Fonts compatible with Belle Navibar mod by n0tr3v3 only:

[HOT] Windows Navigation Fonts

Droid Sans 

Calibri Font

N8 Fonts

Nokia Pure Light Bold Font

Nokia Pure Font

Goudy sans Font

s^3 Fonts

Normal belle navibar fonts:

Nokia Pure Light Bold by me

Nokia Pure Fonts

s^3 Fonts

Droid SansFont

Goudy Sans Font

N8 Font


Here is a section for bugs you might face and how to avoid them!!!

Posted Image

1. Use the proper belle nav keys mod to the proper port firmware (user)........

Binh24, die2mrw007, mara and vova1609 port might have different files which are not compatible with each other!!!

2. If you're using a different Nokia other than 5800, yes you might have some unavoidable bugs like your phone is showing System Error and other Error message...

Solution :

In the belle nav Keys mod you downloaded by me....

Delete every folder in Private\ except for 10202be9 and 200159c0...

3. Ok you're see files in your phone's main menu without proper icon support....


Goto Resource/apps/ and search for that file name that is showing in your phones main menu and delete it!!

4. After going into camera you see Unexpected error occured. Restart phone.


Just replace mine rosf2/resource/apps/nhdcamsettings.r01 with yours!!

5. You're unable to delete Music from your music player or after you delete a music you have a problem


Replace my resource/apps/mpx.r01 with yours!!!

6. So you're having problem entering the Phone "Settings"


If after entering the Phone Setting you're unable to go furter try replacing my file with any of the file in resource/ with 'GS' in corresponding to where you're unable to enter


For Phone mgmt. Try replacing \resource\GSDeviceManagementPluginRsc.r01 with your own file....

For Auto Keyguard Try replacing \resource\GSAutoKeyguardPluginRsc.01 with your own file......


Screenshots :  You know what to expect !

Anyways, attached below for satisfaction









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