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Belle HS Ported to S60v5 | Free Ram : 50 MB | GizmoLord Exclusive Project.

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pls help me, i did with the first method, and getting only 24 mb ram, after terminating hs and menu

edit your starter and disable useless apps,  use guide below to disable by drakulaboy:


islocalizerapp - is responsable for service  Here and Now. if you don't use it  disable it.

AlwaysOnlineStarter - online email, i disable it

autolock - autolock. if it's disabled then the phone will not lock.

calensvr - do not disable , this is calendar and the alarm clock

CbsServer - this is responsable for the messages from your operator.

CFServer - responsable for rules from folder \private\10282BC4. do not disable.

DataConnectionLogger - control the conection (GPRS, WLAN, and other.) if disabled will not show the connect icon on internet connection and other internet stuff

contentharvester - controls the widgets from homescreen , contacts widget will not work correctly if it will be disabled

dmutilserver    - OMA Device Management technology).  the phone will reboot if disabled

gsserver - responsable for phone menu "Setup" or parameters .  do not disable will not work tv out and the phone will reboot

mdswatchdog - some monitoring, did not find what it's affects

HotSpotServer - quick connect to  WiFi.  on 5230 or who doesnt have wi fi disable it.

ippushman - don't know what it's affects

locod - will not work  USB, WiFi, GPRS.

ncnlist - will not show missed calls and sms

pocstarter - service Push to talk over Cellular (search in google if you want to know about).  I disabe it.

provisioningsc -  OMA Client Provisioning technology I disable it

rsfwbootmounter - something with disk partitions don't know

RLock - this file respond for locking phone and micro SD with password, if you want disable it

SatServer - SIM Application Toolkit. - search in google

schexe - don't know

sipprofilesrv    - if you don't use SIP technmology disable it

epos_omasupllistener - responsable for location,  A-GPS.  - if you wish disable it

UsbWatcher - wil not work USB

vcommandmanager -voice commands, i deleted from my CFW so i don't need this,

watcher - you will not receive SMS, don't disable

xnthemeserver - responsable for themes

locationconfigurationcontroller - GPS and maps, i deleted maps from cfw, i don't use maps so i disable it

startupsettings - don't know

CfmBtCfgServer - responsable for Bluetoth, do not disable

xmppstarter - OVI contacts, if disablet will be free memory and the OVI contacts will not be loaded

securewidgetpreinstaller - don't know

emailservermonitor - email client, if don't use disable it

ccautosync - don't know

mediabar - obviously

popupclock - responsable for  Swipe to Unlock (or Tap to Unlock), if you don't use disable it

spwatchdog - don't know

starter_background_apps.rsc or the apps that are running in background 

clockapp - clock, if you want disable it, the clock will work but it will not run in background

iaupdatebg - check for updates, if you want disable it

logs - Logs.  if you want disable it  .

mce - Messages .  if you want disable it

phonebook2 - Contacts .    if you want disable it.

cseschedulerserver - something with player or video player

welcome2.exe - welcome note from nokia, disable it

DRMHelperServer - DRM.security disable it

FavouritesSrv -  if you don't use standart web browser disable it 

FeedsServer - if you don't use standart web browser disable it

locationmanagerserver -place location.  if you don't use it turn off

mpxcollectionserver -  if you don't use original music player disable it, if you will disable and will start the music player the phone will reboot

mpxharvesterserver -  if you don't use original music player disable it, if you will disable and will start the music player the phone will reboot

mpxplaybackserver - if you don't use original music player disable it, if you will disable and will start the music player the phone will reboot

WimServer - disable it 

wlmserverexe - wlan or wi fi .    if you want disable it, on phones that don't have wi fi.

wndrmpkserver - Windows Media DRM security  if you want disable it.

wndrmserver - Windows Media DRM security  if you want disable it.



edit your starter and disable useless apps,  use guide below to disable by drakulaboy:


islocalizerapp - is responsable for service  Here and Now. if you don't use it  disable it.

AlwaysOnlineStarter - online email, i disable it

autolock - autolock. if it's disabled then the phone will not lock.

calensvr - do not disable , this is calendar and the alarm clock

CbsServer - this is responsable for the messages from your operator.

CFServer - responsable for rules from folder \private\10282BC4. do not disable.

DataConnectionLogger - control the conection (GPRS, WLAN, and other.) if disabled will not show the connect icon on internet connection and other internet stuff

contentharvester - controls the widgets from homescreen , contacts widget will not work correctly if it will be disabled

dmutilserver    - OMA Device Management technology).  the phone will reboot if disabled

gsserver - responsable for phone menu "Setup" or parameters .  do not disable will not work tv out and the phone will reboot

mdswatchdog - some monitoring, did not find what it's affects

HotSpotServer - quick connect to  WiFi.  on 5230 or who doesnt have wi fi disable it.

ippushman - don't know what it's affects

locod - will not work  USB, WiFi, GPRS.

ncnlist - will not show missed calls and sms

pocstarter - service Push to talk over Cellular (search in google if you want to know about).  I disabe it.

provisioningsc -  OMA Client Provisioning technology I disable it

rsfwbootmounter - something with disk partitions don't know

RLock - this file respond for locking phone and micro SD with password, if you want disable it

SatServer - SIM Application Toolkit. - search in google

schexe - don't know

sipprofilesrv    - if you don't use SIP technmology disable it

epos_omasupllistener - responsable for location,  A-GPS.  - if you wish disable it

UsbWatcher - wil not work USB

vcommandmanager -voice commands, i deleted from my CFW so i don't need this,

watcher - you will not receive SMS, don't disable

xnthemeserver - responsable for themes

locationconfigurationcontroller - GPS and maps, i deleted maps from cfw, i don't use maps so i disable it

startupsettings - don't know

CfmBtCfgServer - responsable for Bluetoth, do not disable

xmppstarter - OVI contacts, if disablet will be free memory and the OVI contacts will not be loaded

securewidgetpreinstaller - don't know

emailservermonitor - email client, if don't use disable it

ccautosync - don't know

mediabar - obviously

popupclock - responsable for  Swipe to Unlock (or Tap to Unlock), if you don't use disable it

spwatchdog - don't know

starter_background_apps.rsc or the apps that are running in background 

clockapp - clock, if you want disable it, the clock will work but it will not run in background

iaupdatebg - check for updates, if you want disable it

logs - Logs.  if you want disable it  .

mce - Messages .  if you want disable it

phonebook2 - Contacts .    if you want disable it.

cseschedulerserver - something with player or video player

welcome2.exe - welcome note from nokia, disable it

DRMHelperServer - DRM.security disable it

FavouritesSrv -  if you don't use standart web browser disable it 

FeedsServer - if you don't use standart web browser disable it

locationmanagerserver -place location.  if you don't use it turn off

mpxcollectionserver -  if you don't use original music player disable it, if you will disable and will start the music player the phone will reboot

mpxharvesterserver -  if you don't use original music player disable it, if you will disable and will start the music player the phone will reboot

mpxplaybackserver - if you don't use original music player disable it, if you will disable and will start the music player the phone will reboot

WimServer - disable it 

wlmserverexe - wlan or wi fi .    if you want disable it, on phones that don't have wi fi.

wndrmpkserver - Windows Media DRM security  if you want disable it.

wndrmserver - Windows Media DRM security  if you want disable it.


Disabling in the sense, should i just untick the mark ?


Pavan Red key bug will not get solved unless you use ared and jbak for middle key Ared is awesome app Change short press to cycle tasks Then click options / don't show/ running apps/ the apps you ll mark as -ve will not be switchd when you press red key I  had tried 2nd method yesterday And killing hs have just 2mb more So I could live with less ram Now what I have done I am using normal blaze with only qt integrated I have installed belleshell I have added it to autostart via jbak I have also added ared to autostart In blaze menu will only start when you open it for first time after boot Now I can modify Belle shell config which was not possible in second method and it ll run when I want it to run Why waste battery in night also whenever I require large ram I exit from shell That's why I ll not come again Moreover my computer has been snatched My phone internet will end in 5 days So all the best to you all


@devilking @shivam_bhalla Today I played a lot with BelleShell and here are some of my thoughs about it, I hope this can help you: Application is not optimized for RAM usage, so if modders begin to work on the application itself we could have better results in used ram and probably in speed. Things I noticed: 1) The application uses a lot of jpeg files built in it. We can free RAM removing some of them or replace them with optimized files. 2) The application uses a lot of javascript - if we are able to optimize it it probably will work faster. There are a lot of qml and javascript files which can be easily edited by modders. 3) The application uses SQLite database - we can modify contents of database :) OFF topic @devilking about our discussion for flash HS and QT: 1. On my 5800 BelleShell don't run faster than flash gadgets 2. I fill QT a bit less sensitive on touchscreen events than other applications and flash


Hi lamerfall,  good to hear from you.  +2 for sharing valuable info.  Agree that qt app not as responsive as c6 hs but still belle shell is an eyecandy to watch. Tip,  .png files take much much lesser memory than jpeg files I need photoshop specialist for this.Hope you work on it ASAP. @ankursmooth,  ared app  not giving swich off menu option.  I want somebody to modify the app so that ared app trigers emuloff app which will solve the red key. middle menu button key is being solved by ngoanrazor.  Either me or pavan will post updates by him. Also,  I will keep an eye on the developments here.  Do well guys.



I'm working on application that if it works, I think that may be usefull in this project. I'll try to write it in C++ so it will take some days to release a beta.

Keep on the project guys :)

Thats the idea!!! I was searching you on this forum :D

Well if it gets written in C++, S60v5 will be more than able to handle it. QT is too heavy on S^1 systems. And yah touch response also is not impressive..

Counting on you mate! :D

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