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  1. The phone would either panic and throw up an error or not boot at all.
  2. Changelog for v2.3: Added button "Stop piracy" that links to the Symbian-developers stop piracy campaign. Buy from Nokia store
  3. Changelog for v2.1: New Stop piracy button that links to the SD anti piracy campaign. All buttons now have the same colour scheme. Download from Nokia store
  4. hard to see it work really, but as long as it is done right it will work.
  5. Changelog: New stop piracy button that links to the SD anti piracy campaign Please note that the update may appear and disappear again with new screenshots, it got messed up and i had to re-submit it Download from Nokia store
  6. Changelog: New loader image added. New help section added Download from Store
  7. Changelog: New mainscreen added App and help section Exit button on mainscreen Network and signal info added to mainscreen Buy from store
  8. A WRT widget that opens the Facebook touch website inside itself but with special options for a never done before completely full screen Facebook touch experience inclung other useful features. To exit the application use your devices task manager by long pressing on the menu button and tapping the X on the apps tile view. Or use the red exit button when on the main screen. CHANGELOGS: BUY / UPDATE @ NOKIA STORE
  9. Price: £1 Size:0.19 MB Changelog for V2.2: Input selection and text input boxes now have nice blue belle fp2 like outline. Option buttons size increased to suite s^3 and blue outline also added to them. Exit button added. Option to enable Fullscreen, once clicked it will auto Fullscreen and open a page with options to return to normal view or enable Fullscreen again if disabled. Brand spanking new about page with contact info, info about the app. Buttons colour changed to suite Belle fp2 too. *special random feature* Nice page with a small but bright digital clock, devices screen brightness is automatically increased to 100% when the clock page is opened and returned to whatever brightness the user had before once the page is closed. S60 V5 support is still there, although performance cannot be guaranteed with there older hardware. Buy From Nokia Store
  10. Changelog for v2.2: Ui re-aligned to centre on full touch devices. Buttons size increased,button colour,outline colour changed. Size:0.06 MB Price: £1.00 Buy from Nokia store
  11. Non of those mods even make the slightest of difference, just DjRaz thinking he knows it all ..
  12. nice one mate +1