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  1. download both the parts of rofs2.. then extract it.. then use it..it will work..
  2. above 5,000 download in one week.. it seems gr8.. the fixed will be again updated soon.. today is my result is been declared..wish me luck ..
  3. updated mate.. see the link on 1st page.. i don't know about it..as i don't know any guy who can port it to x6.. if u know anyone then plz pm me his profile, name..
  4. wait till saturday mate.. apex sir will upload it for 5800.. yes mate i know that.. donno how to fix that use mara light mod it will fix it..
  5. no mate.. as it is in beta mode.. so can't give it to any1..
  6. ya u can run it easily.. as the cfw is really fast.. as i use it heavily.. there is no problem in it..
  7. grid is possible..by an app.. but in landscape it isn't possible..
  8. make the topbar completely opaque as use the default skin.. replace the skin with c/belle_topbar/default.. it will solve the problem..
  9. i already shared there yesterday.. forgot to share here.. so now i shared here..
  10. http://forum.dailymobile.se/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=51060.0;attach=176075;image Download Blooded.v3:- updated..added 5233 fixed version..;D Blooded.v3 released fixed version by salman.. 5233:-Blooded.v3 here..fixed version 5230:-Blooded.v3 here..fixed version 5233:- rofs2-Blooded.v3 here.. core- here.. 5230:- rofs2-Blooded.v3 here.. 5530:- rofs2-Blooded.v3 here.. core-here.. 5800:- rofs2-Blooded.v3 Part 1 here..thnx to apex666 for porting it.. rofs2-Blooded.v3 Part 2 here.. core-here.. >> Download Both Part 1 and Part 2 of Rofs File >> Download and Install WINRAR (Search in google). >> Select both part 1 and part 2 > Right Click > Extract Here. and don't forget to hit the thanks button if like my work..;D CHECK OUT HERE Change navibar=>for the user wanting the navibar as the blooded.v2 or as he screenshots.. then use this fonts s60snr.ttf it will just change the navibar.. put it to rofs2/resource/fonts... and u will get the old navibar.. Change theme of belle topbar=>download ur belle topbar skin... rename it to default.. put it in c/Belle_Topbar/.. replace the default folder..with ur one.. restart the phone..ur skin will be changed..;D {Note:- Backup the original theme for future use..} Remove Deskclock=> i used this mod here for putting deskclock as default.. if u want to remove it..remove the files used in it.. and remove the line in scriptini.txt in private..as directed in the mod.. ur clock will be removed.. Camera mod fixed of 5530=>if there is a camera bug for 5530 phone then use this mod..here.. this will be fixed..{credits: aky} Notification widget active=>some user want to activate the notification widget.. do as directed.. go to private/10202be9/102824a0.. in 0X1 string there will be written.. int 0.. make it to int 63.. then the notification widget will start working..and pop will be enabled.. Ktask manager=>go to here download and install it and run it manually if u want to use it in the cfw.. If ur belle topbar on start doesn't show operator name or signal then go in application belle topbar exit the app it will automatically start.. and for keyboard writting... use proximity sensior.. on the proximity sensor and just tap on the sensor the topbar will dissapear and by tapping again it will reappear..;D If u get any error as application built in error use this here.. and put it in sys/bin...the error will be gone.. [Important note...plzz do hard reset after flashing..switch off the phone 2 3 times..then start work on it..it won't show any bug]
  11. Hello friends this is mr.w0nd3rfu1.. releasing my 3rd version of my blooded cfw.. credits: nikhil{the best app maker}, undertaker, mr_gaurav2000{the best modder..}, devilyazdan{the best modder..}, pnht, coderus, apex666{for porting the cfw..} and other modders.. video of the working of cfw.. video of bloodedv3 added-(sorry for bad quality friends..) http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Sr3iwIMPvU&feature=youtu.be http://forum.dailymobile.se/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=51060.0;attach=176077;image <<porting>> >Based on c6v42 port <<graphics modification>> >Added 2 themes {Blooded's red, Blooded's ICS by zero omer} >Belle topbar added by nikhil{also updateable} >Belle topbar skin by zero omer >Pied icons {credits: IND190} Permission from IND190 for the icons here >Whole new themes effects {credits: aky 4} >used simple fonts..{with 6 pages symbol} >New belle navibar symbol used..{credits: masum56k} <<general modification>> >Light Mods Changed >More Battery Life >More Speed >Hide Your Files From Gallery In Blooded Folder >Nokia Browser - Extremely fast >Music Clarity, You Will Never Listen Such Loud And Clear (With New Equalizer) >N8 Equalizer With Single Touch Activation >No More Hangs Up >StartUp And ShutDown Screen Changed >Default Wallpaper Changed >Default Profile Name Changed To Blooded.v3 >Ovi Suite Detect Device As Blooded's 5233 >Startup files autostart Belle Topbar and Deskclock {exclusive, credits:mr_gaurav2000} <<fixed>> >all bugs are fixed of v1 and v2 >added google maps >Ovi Map included without qt bugs >Qt bug fixed <<management>> >Best ram management {Exclusive mod by me..;D} http://forum.dailymobile.se/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=61209.0;attach=175300 >6 page symbol removed <<miscellaneous>> >No scroll bar mod added {exclusive} >Faster phone >Call mod by djraz >Anna scrolling >Fast rotation >In list mode in menu Big icons are there..{Exclusive}thnx to mr.gaurav >Belle touch sense >App openin delay reduced. >Camera Quality mod.{credits: me..;D} >Decrease theme preview time >Faster scrolling in Music player >Kinetic Scroll(never stop's) {Exclusive} >and other exclusive mods.. ---------------------------------------- APPLICATIONS ADDED ---------------------------------------- It is too fast to be beleived >Rom patcher working >Dictionary added >Zip added >Bluetooth reciever added >Ovi Contacts Removed >DzMusic V2.0 Working >DzMusic Key v2.0 Added >MemCheck App Added >Kill Me App Added >Filebrowser Added >Blutooth Receiver Added >Metro Calculator Added Don't forget to use DZ-Music keys while driving... Enjoy... friends screen snap of blooded.v3..;D hope u like them.. latest screenshots updated on 16/4/2012 33 http://forum.dailymobile.se/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=51060.0;attach=176071;image http://forum.gizmolord.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=4398.0;attach=10297http://forum.gizmolord.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=4398.0;attach=10299http://forum.gizmolord.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=4398.0;attach=10301http://forum.gizmolord.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=4398.0;attach=10303http://forum.gizmolord.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=4398.0;attach=10305http://forum.gizmolord.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=4398.0;attach=10307http://forum.gizmolord.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=4398.0;attach=10309http://forum.gizmolord.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=4398.0;attach=10311http://forum.gizmolord.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=4398.0;attach=10313 more updating soon..;D
  12. no mate... i tried to remove that bug but not able to do it.. :'(